lol what a nob
I dont think i
ll be that cool if i just trashed my bike.
it could av been alot worse bike could av hit sum1 don`t matter bout the bike its replaceable
i try not 2 do wheelies wen there are pedestrians about
what a twat
what a noooob
Ooh, look at me, I’m so cool - look I can wheelie!!
Oh bugger, no I can’t, ****, where’s the bike gone,
Oooouch!! That hurt a bit!
…will they keep this in the video?
can you post the link? cant see the imbed. thanks
lol, awesome effort. nice brake cover, oh no wait, he didnt do that…
Heh, what was that lady shouting after he went a over t?
…that’s what i was trying to catch too.
it was something like - why you make him do that for?!.
was it?.
LoL well I think I’ll leave learning to wheelie until next year.
How quick it turns from great to sh1te eh?