Mugabi and the white african

tuesday night Documentory…i cant wait to see this as this happend to my Aunt & uncle…

they bought a ranch in zimbabwe back in the 50’s and lived there for years…and i mean years…then they started to receive racist threats and shortley after…the threats turned into action…

the racists started cutting fences at first to let the cattle loose…then knocks at the door…then vilonce followed shortley…all people they were freinds with…people they employed…its absolutley sickening…

when they came back to the UK after having to leave the’re property…they were broken people that had been driven out of the’re home…and i remember ear wigging as a youngun…as they talked to members of the familly about the’re horrific ordeal…

my unkle didnt want to leave…but the local police even told them to leave or else they would be murderd in the’re beds…bastards…

anyways…really looking forward to seeing this as it helps me understand just what they went through…


Doesnt sound good, were they ok in the end? did they leave?

yes mate…they we’re forced to abandon everything…


Exactly the same thing happened to my Sister-in-laws Mum and Dad in Rhodesia/ Zim. The threats/ acts of violence eventually killed him and she had to move. She ended up immigrating To Australia and lives with my Brother.

Very, very sad indeed :crying:

and still happening to this day!

do you think if it was the opposite way round as in the mugabe character was white and forcing black farmers out something more would have been done by now?

The opposite was happening in South Africa years ago with Apartheid and the world imposed sanctions against them.

Shame theres no oil in Zimbabwe otherwise the Yanks would have invaded by now;):smiley:

It is awful but is a classic example of how evil begets evil. My understanding - and I am happy to be proven otherwise - was that this man started the ball rolling in the region in the 1880s…Our very own Cecil Rhodes. There is no excuse for Mugabe, but it seems to me that, evil that he is, he is a symptom of the problem, rather than the cause. He’s not doing anything Rhodes hadn’t done before him (but the opposite way round); just goes to show how history has a habit of repeating itself. It’s a bit like the Saxons rising up against the Norman landowners 120 years after the Battle of Hastings.I do sympathise with those who are caught up in it, though. I am not making excuses for Mugabe and am very keen to see him deposed. I just thought it helpful to provide some context.


ooh something interesting on TV! Thanks for the heads up. Not something I have personal links to, but will be watching. And then doing some background reading…

Be interesting to see how factual this TV will be.

+1Mugabe isn’t right in what he’s doing by a long shot but as somebody else said, it’s history repeating itself with the roles reversed. It must be awful for those caught up in it, just as it would have been awful when the blacks were originally terrorised out of their homes and forced to live in slums/townships.

Africa is largely a dysfunctional shithole…and I wouldn’t think that Europeans would need to look much further than their own mirrors to figure out why. shrug

Destroyed by colonialism…a familiar description of many parts of the world.

It’s in vogue in blame the US for the worlds problems now days and the US is not blameless…however, it comes across as cheeky at best…down right naive at worst…to hear complaining about the ills of the world coming from those who did the most to create the root cause of most of those ills.

its only in vogue to blame the US for its foreign policy because so much of it has been heavy handed and naive over the last century or so :slight_smile: I for one am not prepared to look in the mirror and take the blame for the state of Africa, the middle east or India. Britain may have been the colonising power, but that role was passed on to the populations of those countries along with independence, in most cases decades ago! the method or timing of the independence may not have been perfect, but then the British government weren’t exactly in a position to dictate terms following the second world war. A lot of the African and middle east problems are as a result of the “Cold War” fought between primarily the US and Russia via “proxies” each side using “freedom fighters/terrorists” to destabilise the sitting government, this was made worse by the tribalism in many of these areas causing long held disputes to flare into wars and conflicts that then repeated themselves in a cycle of hatred and fear.

Sorry KSGregman but I had to correct your post, above. I doubt there are any actual colonialists on this site - unless this is the Jetstreams circa 1930…

Fair point!

Im sorry but thats absolute bull crap…my uncle David and aunt spree did nothing but buy a peice of land…employ local tradesmen to build the house and ranch…and hire help to run the place…all they left with was the cloths on the’re backs and all they could ship out in a very short space of time…(which is all they could fit in the pickup truck)…its amazing how some people with very tiny minds could do that to hard working honest people…they deserve whatever unhappyness they get in my opinion…smiled.

It’s not bullcrap Shane. You’re taking it personally because you have family involved and I understand that. However, you’re the one being tiny minded if you think Mugabe is doing anything that wasn’t done to black africans by white non africans. This story goes back a lot further than your uncle David and aunt Spree. Again, I’m not condoning it and can’t imagine how awful it must have been for them to leave all their wordly belongings and flee. I’m glad they’re healthy enough and had the resources to get out of there with their lives and eachother.

Mugabe doesn’t seem to have any problems with doing the same to Black Africans as he does to White Africans, the man is propping up his corrupt administration by gutting his country, the fact that he is taking the land from white farmers is just a smokescreen, a way of gaining some legitimacy for his rule.He is destroying the country in a way generations of repressive white rule couldn’t, Idi Amin did much the same in Uganda, and look how that turned out.

yea sherry…they did get away with their lives…but only after being driven out by Racist thugs who are the utter sh1t of the earth…and should be stoned in public…then whipped …then shot…like all the other mindless racist thugs that seem to sprout up in this world…

and my unkle peter is ‘white african’…he was born in Zim in the 60’s so does that make him a forigner?..ummm noo…i dont think so…even tho he’s as english speaking as any other englishman…he’s african…simple as…so why should he of been made to leave aswell?

Mugabiis a monster…and because of his actions…good honest people have lost their homes and their dreams of living in that part of the world…in the above video…last bit…look at the hate in that guys eyes because of who that guy is…disgusting…!!!


Doesn’t make it alright though, does it ?