Mr Happy Man

I had one of the worst fucking days ever today at work … came home in a really foul shitty mood … and have been sitting on the sofa feeling sorry for myself for the last few hours.

I’m a cynical sod at the best of times.

This short film though has really put a smile on my face.

Enjoy :slight_smile:

Amusing film especially the bit where they put up his memorial statue before he’s gone! Haa ha that was funny…poor guy’s not even dead yet and they stick a statue up in his memory…heee heeh eehheee…

:doze: …that was the funny bit right?..:slight_smile:

I didn’t post it because I thought it was funny … and ordinarily - I’d have thought the same as you David … but having it hit home today what lengths some people will go to to eff you over … this oddball’s selfless behaviour (or “funny” if you prefer :P) … it restored my faith in humanity slightly.

Only slightly.


Sounds like you need a walk through Leicester Square!

(from Twitter):

wonderful :slight_smile:

Sound advice Alex.

I thought you might have picked up on Tom Tucker and responded with his video though - so I’ll do it instead :stuck_out_tongue:

Most likely they’re only doing it to boost their own ego…:slight_smile:

There are many things weird about that film- not least the general reaction to him-…no-one said ‘he’s a loon, they should take him away in a straight-jacket’ or ‘Christ, I nearly crashed!’ or ‘he blew me a kiss- pervert!’…anyway plenty of people in London wave their hands about and shout at me when I ride past and none of them get a statue…:ermm:

…anyway I’m not really helping am I

…as I said attention seeking ego-boosters the lot of 'em :slight_smile: