Motorcycle Maintenance Course

Thats what forums are for. You post a question and get 34 **** take answers and 1 serious one form chunky :slight_smile:

Should I change that forum name to Questions and P*ss take Answers then? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes please, perhaps all bike related questions get PM’d to chunky. Except tyre questions, those go to afro:D

Am already on this course (3 weeks in) I go every Wednesday evening. I would highly recommend it as it starts at the basics. I go with my girlfriend who loves it. Changed oil and air filter last week.:slight_smile:

Aww it’s all full up and I’m 3rd on the waiting list… boo…

Boo, sorry to hear that :frowning:

So… How was it? I want the full download :stuck_out_tongue:
Sooo excited about our one!

So who’s on this course then?.. Starts tonight - hope to meet some of you there :o)

Who’s on the course:

Okay, I’m really rubbish and can’t find my paperwork.

I know it’s 6.30 start, does anyone have the postcode? cheers :smiley:

(yes, I’m stupid!)

Yes thanks

Cheeky - there’s a bottom pat in it for you :wink:

How derogatory does that sound…? hehehe

The Macbeth Centre
Macbeth Street
London W6 9JJ

Cheeeeeeeeeers. (pats bottom)

See you there @6.15-6.30 :smiley: