Motorcycle Compensation Gives An Apology

Hi all, looks like I upset a few London Bikers onhere Tuesday so i would like to make amends. What I would like to do is offermy sincere apologies to anybody I have offended.

I realise my etiquette is not what it should be butin my line of business being nice to insurers doesn’t get the desired resultsfor my clientele. It can also be quite hard to change mindset when enteringinto new relationships.

I would however like to thank the guys/or girlsthat assisted me Tuesday night in testing the resilience on my motorcyclecompensation.comforum. You know who you are and we know who you are. Without you guys workinghard into the night on my behalf I would have never been able to determine shortcomingsin my forum. Again THANK YOU and keep up the good work.

So by way of trying to make amends I would like tooffer you my free UPGRADED app. You can download this from here new version 2 released today exclusively here on London bikers. Feedbackwould be appreciated and no doubt will be varied in a contextual sort of way.

There are many people here that think my businessis a dirty business but only realise after they have had a bump that they mayrequire representation from a company similar to mine if not mine. I have beencalled many things over the past 20 years including "ambulance chaser,misery monger, bottom feeder” to name but a few. Please don’t judge me on whatI say, judge me on what I do for bikers. Myself and my team are dam good atwhat we do. Heaven forbid you need to use us or any similar firm.

I think there are a few core of people (mods) onhere trying to get me to rise to the bait and that’s fine. I will never swearor use derogatory language; however, i will defend myself if I think itwarrants a reply. Myself and my team work quite hard and we are not alwaysavailable to return comments immediately.

If you think that what I am doing for a living iswrong then that’s your personal view and you are entitled to that view. Afterall, freedom of speech is paramount, isn’t that what forums are all about!

I do hope that I will not be booted from this siteas I have a wealth of knowledge and information to share and it would be acrying shame for you to dismiss motorcycle comp. I have been told on manyoccasions that my language is sometimes black and white, but at least you knowwhere you stand.

So again I reiterate my apology for upsetting theregulars in this forum. If the mods and admins would like to speak with meplease drop me a line.

Your space bar needs looking at.

Some basic manners wouldnt go amiss - normal etiquete round here is to introduce yourself in the NEWBIE section before trying to sell your services. There is at least one member of your ‘trade’ on here and a well established firm not far from me would have my business if the need arouse

Considering your not even south of Birmingham and this forum is for those living/working in and around London…

You banned me and deleted all my nice threads … I wont be helping your forum again . … I did not feel any love.

you just cant help yourself can you? you making an apology post and yet you selling your tack to us stop it ! jsut make a simple apology post telling us how sorry you are without selling your apps and services this is why we are all pissed off at you !!!

Flogging a dead horse?

Ahahaha! This forum and the (rare twats) we pull in make me giggle. Biker friend, you are not loved or even liked on this forum, please b*gger off and maintain the members on you’re forum!

Much appreciated and thanks in advance!

You could start by allowing NumNum on your forum again, as a gesture of goodwill :smiley:

His forum was rubbish anyways :stuck_out_tongue: Man could go crazy talking to himself like that all night :crazy:

that much is true, so many other activities to be had at night :laugh:

now now kidz, the man has had the decency to see the error of his ways and prostrate himself in front of your vicious and only rarely hilarious wit… he may have done some of it ungraciously and have maintained his blunt spoon sharp lack of understanding that he isn’t the only one with enough smarts to cope with life in modern London… but be fair… he has shown humility and apologised for his ways…

Have the decency to accept an apology and the maturity to let it go…

Otherwise you’re no better than the man you mocked…

your call…

any other “remedial’s” accept it ? :slight_smile:

who are you callin a remedial… mmm this double glazing sure tastes good :stuck_out_tongue:

How about accepting his apology, then asking him to join in, play nicely and not spam us? :cool:

But it’s easier to just tell him to bog off? :slight_smile: