Got home today to the sound of a letter from our housing association to tell me they are increasing my rent by you ready for this!!! 32% I wil be paying nearly £1500 a year more!!
F£_"$%$£$%&( think not I will be contesting this! not only have the F=4-49237 governemt screwed me over to the point were I bailed the banks out and now have to pay more for the f£$“£$”%$ privilage the f£"$£%^ housing association are doing the same.
For the 1st time in my life I honestly wish I was nto working because labour are giving more money to those not working and I’m having to f£$)"*$ pay for them!!!
check the terms of your lease, its standard to put percentage caps on rent reviews (although rent reviews are often upwards only) especially with a housing association property, even if there isn’t that is well above the rate of inflation.
Theres a good book published by Gower '‘landlord and tenant law’ that will tell you where you stand…
Mate feel for ya…though it makes me feel awful especially when we was talking the other week about us council tenants as we have had our rent increase abolished this year cos our went up so much…
still glad i have a council property especially in todays climate:doze:
so by my calculation you pay £390.625per month… And yet you complain??? Sorry if you don’t get my support here as I am guessing you wouldn’t from people like me who pay 10 fold in taxes what you pay in annual rent and yet get no benefit what so ever!!! If the raise is too steep, move out and try the private sector!!!
To take the sting out of what follows, 32% is way too much in one go. And the justification is what? Even if the HS have a full commercial loan for the original development, 32% simply cannot be justified unless it includes things such as full structure insurance and Council Tax.
Against which, if Jacques has got his sums right and the property is half decent in a half decent area, £392 isn’t a bad rent providing that’s for something better than a “studio”. (Read bedsit.)
Test the private sector and I think you’ll find the property is reasonablly priced.
Not going to fly off, basically I pay all my bills out of my wage, I support 5 people on 2 wage and I get no hand out, not c. tax reductions, now rent relief nothing I’m entitled to f.a. I’m looking to sell my car after xmas as I cannot justify to myself the expense, but even if I sell my and and save the £100 a month it is costing me I will still be out of pocket with this increase.
now our rent system works on a bi-annual bases so I completely expect to be above most other peoples increases but 32% tell me when you last had a 32% pay rise! and believe me if I got a 32% pay rise I would not be complaining about the increase…
The point here is, I’m paying extra as of next april, extra bank charges so the banks can pay back the money “I” lent them, extra rent, extra tax’s (albeit from 2011) but the point is I have had to take a paycut to get back into work and am now paying out more than I was…
No sure if this is still valid advice but i used to work in housing and i believe there is an independent commitee you can appeal to called the rent assessment comittee. Its free to apply to and they will assess your rent and decide if it is actually a fair rate to pay. Have a look at the website for ‘the Residential Property Tribunal Service’ (think thats the address) and see if they can help you with this.
Hate to say it though fella but Housing associations are usually very clued up on this…