My MOT has expired (well tuesday) and i need to get my bike retested, however it may fail due to number plate and small indicators (are they illegal?) so my question is do any of u guys know a place where they are less anal about that crap and if i do need some minor work done wont screw me! Somewhere more east/north london then central would be better! I have never had to get an mot done b4 for a bike, and cos i bought my bike in bristol i cant take it to my old dealer!
And also, headphones! Just broke mine and i need to get a new pair, what kind do u guys use cos i want one that poss have a clip that goes round the ear and fit snuggly inside as to reduce noise from outside!
Thanks alot, looking forward to seeing those who i have already met on sat and meet some of u i havent!
I didnt mean a dodgy one mate! Just a tester who wont make me buy a numberplate off em cos they out to screw me! My bike will pass on everything but the plate as its 2 small…plenty of us have em but i know some tester dont mind and some do!
Sennheiser are the best, for sure! I use them at work and home. Very well built, and they’re great for what they’re intended for (quality over sound enclosure, or sound over internal/external leakage, etc). Don’t know about the MOT, sorry mate!
for £19.95 and I’m very very happy. Comfortable under the lid and thanks to this bendy thingy they stay in place while walking runinng or…well, always.
Anil, try , I MOT’ed mine there and the guy seems to be very reasonable.
Hi, couple of place come to mind for your MOT. at least for the small plate, they will “look away”.
They are in Central London.
For your in the helmet sound problem, 2 options:
You get a boom bass system (2 speakers to be fitted in your helmet, will work for Arai, Roof)
You get yourself a pair of Shure EC3, they are “in ear” speaker, so you can use them as well as ear plugs if you do not play music, only problem is that you will not ear the sirens being you!!!