Morning All

Morning one and all and what a beauty it is too !!..just about to finish work and cant wait to get on the Bike

For those of you that are interested in the Summer Bash, then the post is live in the Rideout Forum !

Have a good one and stay safe !.

morning Barro, yea hot n sunny again, day for a blast down the coast me thinks

good morning all,

and yes what an aboslutely gorgeous day…

to be spending in the office…

on the plus side off to the grand prix this weekend and weather is forecasted to be 30 degrees… time for those bikini tops under the leathers… (not me tho… cos I’ll be at Silverstone… )

Morning peeps. Great weather out there, shame about the blasted pollen though.

Morning all, your all right it is a great day for a ride. lovely sunshine, hot, dry etc just right.

Except I’m in the car again cos the t/bird went pop on the A3 the other day and the Daytona is having a service after our little tip to France.

So i’ll just sit here in my office looking out the window thinking about the nice HOT ride home in rush hour traffic stuck in a boiling hot car.

Ride safe.


could be worse mate

you could have been on the tube…

Yeh I know, feel sorry for anyone who has to endure that each day.


Morning all,

got a stinking cold feel like poo and stuck in a v hot office! Oh bugger baldrick!


Its surely beauty!! Went for a great burn around town this morning before work…note to chav in chaved up XR3i being chavvy…I’m on a bike…give up at the third set of lights next time!!!

Oh, and at the request of Rictus, I am no longer allowed to predict weather, or post anything that says it’s going to rain, because yesterday I did, and it didn’t. (over to you Charlie )

Be good,


You must be joking, it hammered down yesterday at about 7 -7.30 it was like a monsoon!


sorry for peeps on the tube? well i work on it drive all day, so feel soz for me!

Spent last summer commuting in on the tube…never ever again

Next time I’m on the tube, make the train do a burnout

Hey Chilled, no wonder you ride like your on rails !!!


Morning al, day off but playing Dads taxi to get the daughter to her exam this afternoon then picking her and the boy up from school. In between have to change a couple of ball valves as both the toilets in the house are dripping from the overflows. The hard water round here dont half fur up the pipes.