More Pretty Pictures

What do ya’ll think?

I like the lightning picture.

Some more…

Remember I am an amateur and these are my first ever fireworks shots, it’s hard to set everything in such little time

The Lightning Shot is my Choice.


Some more lightning…

Can anyone make these into GIFs?

Is this all your own work, or just pics you’ve found?

They’re original

If you want the original I’ll upload it. (Usually 3072x2304 unless cropped)

This is what happens when you crash your sport bike and you’re stuck with a harley.


My fav is still your current Avatar … absolutely beautiful !

Oh, and the close up flame pics are great as well as the lightning pics.

Sorry avatar is not original, Claire Forlani is a gorgeous woman.

I’m loving this one:

That last one is a cool shot, have you got a Flickr or Deviant Art page to show your photographs off?

You should do that and then you’ll have more opinions than you can shake a stick at!

Pop a link on your sig line like mine and then we can all keep up to date with your shots :slight_smile:

Very Nice !!

Here is a neat little one that I took…well I am proud of it!!

The above picture is from me…! Someone else was signed into my laptop!! Bloody thing, I did sign out and sign in as me, but hey!!

I’ve read a lot of the opinions on that website… I posted a few on this site because I was looking more for intelligent people to talk to.

A few more pics of Wyoming…

They are beautiful pictures, and I love watching fire anyway, so like the fire ones. I’m not technical enough to find any fault in them (except the shakey fireworks one, but you knew that anyway). Would you ever find someone willing to pay money for these photos? Could they be submitted to Art companies for posters etc.?

Err…little bit of a pyromaniac? Like the white hot embers.

Here’s a couple, not the same pro quality, involves the other two wheel pursuit I’m into.