My biggest hate is people on mobile phone’s, I can spend an entire shift writing out mobile phone tickets. As most of the guy’s at the ace will tell you. At present the mobile phone penalty for using a phone is £30, no points. However it is anticipated that the offence will become endorsable with the adition of points and a heavier fine. As far as the law is concerned we can only enforce the penalty open to us. However I have sent people to court for using it when the driving has been affected so that the offence is then driving without due care and attention. Recently met traffic officers in North West London have also been informing the trafic commissioners when hgv drivers have been caught so that when the company applies for a new operators licence they have had great problems. The quicker it becomes endorsable the better as being a biker for [pleasure and work I have the power to do something about it. I also believe we should have the power to sieze the phone if caught using it more than one occasion and they should have a short period of disqualification. Then we will see the pains being brought on. Older people about will remember the Busby advert years ago when he said IT’S GOOD TO TALK. Not when I am around it’s not because I will fleece your wallet.


I agree with you on that! Today I was behind a BMW and the guy was on the phone… His driving was ok but he didn’t turn properly and didn’t look at his mirrors for a long while…

The road was narrow and I didn’t overtake before I was sure he saw me on the mirrors as he was driving quite slowly, then when I gesticulated telling him that he was slowing the traffic down by being on the mobile, he went mental with me! As my scoter is faster then his 330i , I just left him behind on the next traffic jam… I hate them! Bloddy hell, the guy can affoard a brand new BMW and can’t get a bluetooth??? This way at least he would be able to use the steering whell…

Damn right! We can all moan at what we don’t like to see on the roads, but there is a big problem with mobile users on the go! It wouldn’t be an offence otherwise, would it!? I feel very uneasy when around these drivers, having no faith at all in them being able to see me. These drivers always get a few beeps when approaching, just to let them know I’m there. Sometimes the anger of it makes me stop and talk, or shout, or make noise, etc…

Nice one Mike

Personally I don’t see why it needs to be a seperate offence when it’s a pretty straight forward case of ‘driving without due care & attention’, at least it becomes an endorsable offence later this year, so hopefully we’ll then see the police cracking down on it & drivers getting the message.


I remember when the seat belt law come up in brazil, it was hard to get used too and felt very inconvinient and unconfortable. It had loads of protests and people complains… Today, people are ashamed to forget it and franckly I don’t know anybody that don’t put them on before even start the car. There’s no need for inforcement at all!

I believe that the mobile phone issue will be the same in the future. Like the cars now have a way to regulate the hight to adjust to different drivers and they are 3 points and not only around the belly. The cars will come up with something like menotioned (signal blocking) or similar

Meanwhile, let’s get this people fined! lol

If the driver using a mobile phone commits a secondary offence i.e jumps a light, cuts another motorist up, or anything else that can be contributed to the phone then they get reported for ‘Careless Driving’.

It’s easy enough to prove and those that have argued the point with me on the roadside end up getting the phone siezed as evidence as well.

I make no apologies, it’s an offence i show NO discretion to.


Siezing mobile phones is already being done mate.

LGV drivers CANNOT be given a ticket, the same as PSV’s etc…they HAVE to be reported.

Trouble is… that like the majority of traffic offences, much mobile use goes undetected. Mate of mine always puts his phone in his jacket, then jacket in the boot of the car - absolutely zero temptation.

I know of a couple of people who use phones and ride… one of them is a total liability and by far the most inconsiderate dangerous prick I’ve ever seen on the road even when he’s not on the phone!!!

I’ve lost count of how many scooterists I see around Chelsea & Fulham who are using their mobiles while riding, some even texting. I could get one connected to my Autocom but I prefer to make & take my calls when I’m at home, sitting comfortably.

Most journeys, I see loads of car & van drivers on the phones. Have never seen a policeman at the same time, though.

If I see a man using a phone with the window open, I usually just shout ‘Honey, put the phone away and come back to bed!’. Getting a £30 ticket might be the least of his worries…

“If I see a man using a phone with the window open, I usually just shout ‘Honey, put the phone away and come back to bed!’”

brilliant! i’m going to try to remember that!

Cezar, you said it. If these cocks can afford a car they can afford a £14 blue tooth!!! Enjoyed the Traffic Cops show last night where uninsured drivers where having their cars crushed!!! Brilliant.

Yeah, that was great to watch, made me feel very good! Can’t stand chav-scum!