Miss Teen South Carolina - Q&A!!


Beauty pageant contestants are constantly mocked for their lack of mental dexterity, and this hilarious clip from the 2007 Miss Teen America competition has been spreading across the internet like a nasty (but very funny) rash (heatworld’s boyfriend has one of those once, but the less said about that the better). Miss South Carolina’s wonderfully incomprehensible response to the question “Why can’t one in five Americans find the USA on a map?” puts her firmly in that 20 per cent as she randomly refers to “South Africa and the Iraq, everywhere like such as”. Remember girls, if in doubt, the answer is always “world peace”.

Ha ha ha…she really is very stupid!! :smiley:

I still would though… :wink:

“Remember girls, if in doubt, the answer is always “world peace”

…or “I have never done that before, but it sounds like fun”

Poor girl, under pressure she cannot think and talk at the same time.

Far less forgivable was the 2 commentators on ABC [iirc] one of the biggest yank TV channels during the 1994 world cup in the USA…Brazil vs Portugal… Introducing the game…

“Well Bob, we know a lot about Brazil, but what about Portugal ?”
Bob…“Er, it is a small country with no history”