Might be a bit too cold for this.....


I can feel everything retreating I watch

First things first…if they’re gonna post a video the least htey could do is make sure the cameraman isn’t a twitching tw@t on a six day coke, speed, crack and caffeine binge…I think he held a steady shot for about half a second at one point in there…the rest looked like he was being electrocuted!

Secondly…where in God’s name do all these Yanks find these totally empty freeways and highways they always seem to be filming on…so many of these films its just EMPTY…its not wonder they’re all out stunting…they’ve got empty road to play with

madmadmad!!! bet hes a jaffa now!!!

I know man, empty ass roads…

We should steal some cones and create a road block, in fact im going to hire an air strip…