Mayor of southwark that is, lol.
I cant get me head round it, he 33 and use to hang with me brother when they were younger, it just seems weird that a friend and we are not old duffers, yet, is a mayor.
He got into politics etc with the lib dems as a councillor now this.
Not putting him down i think its great, All the best to him.
He is a bike rider, well scooter now, he has had bikes over the yrs just gone onto scooter now, oh well we no all perfect.
Well done Paul:…MeetMayor.html
grss roots politics… LOVE IT !!
Get involves and change the world mate !
Or get involved and told what to do
Don’t get me started
Cheers Mark.
Politics are not for me, horses for courses etc etc, lol. would’nt let me throught the door.
I was just surprised that a m8 of mine who also was brought up se london,bermondsey becomes a mayor.
Saying that, why not? lol.