me at Nurburgring vid 8:20ish

from 2002, im in front on K1 1000, mates filming on R1,for half a lap get stuck behind Sabine in Ringtaxi, beeech wont move over.


great riding, bet the guy on the r1 had slightly browner leathers after that twitch

luckily he wasn’t sharing a room with me that weekend, think his leathers still pong even now

Looks like mad fun, how many times had you been around the track you seamed to know it quite well considering its size?

LOL… great video Mick! I’m just watching the beginning and your mate losing it made me laugh, at his laugh! I’ve been there, and done that, a few times, always a giggle as long as you stay on, and mildly depressing if you don’t! Hahaha, god I love sports-bikes.

lol, great fun eh?

Always good to see on bike footage, especially at speed and with the odd bum clenching moment…

Am gutted Mick, can’t open it, don’t have quiktime player.

Someone help pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze,

Download it off the web, Quicktime Player that is.