MCN Guide to Wheelies

Btw, would anyone be interested in Jimmy Fireblade Wheelie school next month…About £200 for the day and you use their bikes.

so in theory you accelerate hard and pull in the clutch and it goes up

or buy a gixxer thou and it pulls 2nd gear wheelies with ease just crack the throttle a 7000 rpm and up she comes all the way to 120 mph

Well, when he says ‘flick the clutch’ surely it’s more about when it comes back out…?

I’ve done a few (unintentianal) on my TransAlp, usually because I have a pillion and I accelerate too hard!

I might be up for for this depending upon dates . . . I wonder how many of us you need to get a discount?

I’d be up for this , would love to be able to do a wheelie when i want and not when my bike thinks its a good time:D

wouldn’t midn going either but it all depends on dates and weather… I doubt I fancy doing any wheelies in pissing down rain, think of it I don’t think I wanna do anything in the rain:(

Could be up for wheelie day - depends on weather and quids - when do you have to commit?

That was one of the best how too wheelie vids I’ve seen - really simple and straightforward - will be trying it out! :slight_smile:

Will know about wheelie school by the end of the month. Won’t be doing it until mid February so I’ll put a post up at start of Feb asking for deposits.

Dates to follow.