Mallory Park BSB Galleries

First one’s up

and I’ll get mine up as soon as possible - I’m in America now on holiday and just didn’t have time to sort through the weekend’s pics I’m afraid. Air France then kindly left my suitcase (avec laptop) in Paris so I’m getting it tomorrow sometime. Then I’ll sort the gallery out hopefully before the weekend.

I know it’s an excuse but surely it’s way above the “my dog ate my homework” type ??

I’m gonna include a little tribute to Ollie in it, as I have to say that the weekend was a pretty grim one for all concerned, and it did affect me quite deeply. To the point I almost went home on Friday and hung my camera up for the weekend.

But I’ve some good images to show, and hope your patience is forthcoming.

And D, they look pretty sweet man - there is some life in the 30D it seems? Love that shot of puddles hehe man was it wet.

Good stuff Andrew. Firstly, enjoy yourself state-side, that’s what you’re there for. Your dedication is appreciated A grim weekend indeed, though the team has done the BSB paddock a service all the same in their own way I think.

I’m about to publish a gallery by Toby as well. He’s got some cracking shots.

Toby! Superb photos! You’re surpassed yourself sir!

Favourite shots:

I wondered where yours were, and then remembered your trip (you jammy barsteward!).

And no, there is no life left in that 30D (I’d have made sure of that if I’d had a hammer to hand…). All the better shots were manually focused since it’s so unreliable on anything that’s moving. It will get replaced as a backup very soon.

And Fixation have diagnosed my 1D as having a dead shutter. So, it’s being fixed at the moment at a cost of £320. I bit worrying though when it’s only taken 29,000 shots…

Great Pics. Nice to see em giving it large in the rain.

Damon, it’s out of warranty? Expensive repair Sorry to hear about it.

What about the 30D then, will that get repaired to sort the focus?

Either way, you managed very well with the tools you had, the gallery’s still fabulous!

I love this one, Tommy gets so low. he’s got to be scuffing the hell out of those fairings! The last time I did that, I got applaud, then the text corner I lowsided out and Grant helped me repair my clipons with a scafolding pole, in France! Mind you, it was drizzling.

Tobe man!! They rock!

Top job and perhaps you’ll be a little less scathing of that D60 matey. It takes a sweet shot I think, and deserves more respect.

And that crash of Kiyo’s - all sharp ??? Man you need to stop messing about with that childish film nonsense and take more stills.

I’m now suspicious of your opinions about your Santa Pod shots too. Get’em out for the lads.

Yep, just out of warranty for the 1D.

The 30D has already been back to Canon for the focusing problems - they fixed it, it was fine for a month or so and then got gradually worse again. It too is now out of warranty and I’m not paying to fix something that has already been fixed once and redeveloped the same problem (read: it’s really an excuse to buy newer, bigger toys… )

Tobe is moving over to the dark side…

He bought Nikon. Good man

New toys Damon? Never!

Any excuse. It’s not like I have a wedding to pay for or anything…


Tobe - tell me you didn’t.

no he can’t have. He’s just sprung on a 70-200 f2.8L so no way Amigos

Try again hehe.

And D, don’t you start getting any funny ideas mate.

Funny ideas? Moi? I can’t have you running around with all the fancy kit alone…

Cheers guys, support greatly appreciated. I got lucky with that crash though, so can’t really say I did anything cept have a camera to my face when it happened…

No, Nikon be dammed, I’d rather eat my own face than buy one of them…not cos they’re no good, GOD NO, Nikon rock, I just couldn’t afford to requip having dedicated my last 12 years of spare pay cheques to keeping Canon’s shareholders in bubbly,

Ok last gallery is up, cheers Jay for persevering with my dodgy uploading from the ol’US of A !