
Bet it would have been a different question if he had have been a biker!!,30000-13504499,00.html

If I had driven in such a stupid manner as to rack up that many points and then not get banned I would be keeping it very very quiet.

It is not even handed and I do sort of feel that if this guy had been caught out on abike that he would have got banned.

I read that in the Metro this morning - laughable. It’s alright though because he’s promised to drive well from now on!

Mmmm … who does he know?!

Now, you said it all SP!

There’s hope for us all yet… (Jesus Christ…)

What a laugh. Who said this country wasnt as corrupt as some third world banana republic!!!

His licence must be the size of an Ordnance Survey Map LOL.

And I don’t remember the article saying he was a magistrate or politician, so mebbe there IS hope for us all.

How bigs your wallet Andrew?

Not as big as yours!! LOL

My licence is now virginal, I’ll have you know. The last change of address meant they didn’t rewrite the expired points back on!!!

I fear the 675 may undo all that tho…

I cant see you staying a virgin for very long…with a trumpet like that!!!

Ooo-errr missus!!