I am gonna try not to get wrecked / fall down stairs/puke, as since my birthday bash i have aquired a more mature and sensible way of conducting myself in public ( and the bruises havn’t completely healed yet )
You got a ZX12 as well as a Busa wow a god amongst men, I would love a ZX12 I just found it a little small for me as I’m a bit gorilla like, the busa seemed to fit better. Please tell me your kwack is green?
The Busa belongs to a friend of mine that lives just up the road. My 12R is red (with black bits). The 12R is a taller bike that the Busa, so usually accommodating larger persons better, I thought?
Hey Grimm…you got a cast on your arm?If yes…i’m bringing me sharpie
sorry to disappoint you honey your snips stay home credit crunch got the hospital so they only strapped it and filled my pockets with painkillers. and boy did i need them, this wasnt anything like manflu (fracture was in the joint so couldnt plaster) :w00t: