LondonBikers Charity Art Sale

LondonBikers Charity Art Sale

Guys & Girls. The idea is simple and requires your help and your generosity !!

With Photobox offering to print A2 posters for the month at £5.99 we’ve come up with an idea to make some money for the LAA Charity while relying on your constant generosity.

With the many talented photographers on the website we thought about utilising everyone’s talents and selling some of our best work for charity…

For example :

If I donate the below photo to the Charity Sale it will be auctioned on eBay at a starting price of £9.99 ( many photos of lower quality go for more ) .
If the poster sells for £9.99 + postage ( say £2.00 ) by the time we take away the Photobox cost away we have made £4.50 PER POSTER for the LAA. If the poster doesn’t sell then it doesn’t cost us anything as the print will be produced ONLY once the photo has sold. So no sale no cost, and WHEN we sell the cost will be met by me until eBay pays out, so this doesn’t cost you or the LAA Donation anything.

What we need from you :

What we need from you is your photographs in the HIGHEST POSSIBLE QUALITY. This means HUGE, after all this is going on an A2 Poster. I will do some scale testing and I am willing to post all images ( bikes or otherwise ) as long as the quality is high enough. This is not to judge your photographic skills but to offer images on posters to the public that we think will sell.

For example I have used a photo from “Silver” of James Toseland & a photo from me of the “London Eye” .

The images will NOT be sold in frames but a link to the Ikea website where buyers and buy the frame £2.99 will be provided. This saves us posting frames or buying some up front.

Poster Quality Information
A quick bit of information about the quality of the poster. These posters ARE NOT on normal paper, each poster is produced on the same quality paper as a normal 6x4 or 5x7 print. This means the paper is thick and will last for a VERY long time , even if hung without a fame .

Submission & Photo Template
I have attached a zip file which contains two files. One Photoshop template and one basic zip file. If you want to check to see if your image will size up, then enlarge it to the size and see what the quality is like. If it’s great then send it in.

Submit your photo’s to mailto:[email protected] ( 5Meg jpg limits please ) . If you need more space then pleas PM me and I’ll arrange an FTP upload for you .
Submission Dates
Given that Photobox are only running the offer of the £5.99 poster in June, we have a time limted window to get this off the ground and get posters up and bidding. Please get your best images in ASAP and i will do my best to get them listed the same day.
Watermarks & Copyrights
Please do not have any of your own watermarks on the images. I will create a certificate crediting you and we will be looking into a LB watermark for the event. 0
The posters will be sold with full copyright protection so if anyone wants to reproduce your poster they will have to get your permission and any profit.
You of course will retain full rights over the photograph. LondonBikers.Com in this instance are mearly acting as sales agents for this charity event.
All questions relating to the artwork will be forwarded to the artist direct.

If you have any questions about this event or the photographs please feel free to contact myself or Cezar and we will be happy to answer and queries you might have.

Thanks in advance


What a great inniciative Lee! It’s a great oportunity for people have a great photo and help LAA! Well done

Sounds like an interesting idea.

I have a ton of artwork that could be used

Not sure what’s supposed to be on those PDFs but they open up blank. I need to know the DPI and dimensional info to check I’ve got it first though.

the PSD file is indeed blank, but it is the right DPI and size .

So if you paste your picture in that frame and see the size and quality when you maximise it to the frame you’ll have a good idea of the final quality and if it can be used.

Great idea Lee

Not really the arty type so can’t contribute pics, but will bid…

Cool idea. Will sort some defo.

My first set of test posters arrived just now and I have to say even I’m stunned by how good they are… The colour reproduction is excellent… They came packaged in a tube with each posted ( I ordered 4 ) individually wrapped… Excellent

I am no artist at all but will happily bid…

any good cause…

This is a stunning idea, I will more then happily bid on these.

Can we use this? Guess not as we need permission right? Wicked pic though and nearly 7meg is the original size. If you can use it with no problem or get permission you can have it.


Brilliant idea Lee! I will submit some photos!

Hi Lee

PM me once you know what you’d like to get printed - I work for PhotoBox and I’ll get them printed for you. I may be able to get them mounted too, but I’ll have to check that on Monday.


Small world

Let’s this a great charity action guys!

I have a couple of pitures I’d like to submit… I’ll get them to you this week Lee…

Top idea!

Look forward to seeing the pics & bidding.

I’ll happily buy some… but unfortunately my camera doesn’t take good enough quality stills :frowning:


I can send a couple.

ow bout a print of that homer simpson, england flag? superb, lol