Lockup in Saff Landin

Hey kids. I’m looking for a secure lockup for the bike in SW9ish area, preferably with 24hr access. Does anyone know of anywhere?


Hello stranger!

Have you contacted the council in that area?

Also container storage, you can rent them per half container (get a ground level one obviously).

Have seen some one do this when my mate was hiring one, very secure, 24hr access etc.

where the fvck is saff landin?

yeah i did that a few years ago. blinding little things. the people in the surrounding flats didn’t think so though and winged to the property management firm so much i had to remove it. the firm that supplied it were completely cool. think it was gonna be about £9 a week or something. if you’re not gonna get complaints i’d do it. council waiting lists are really long. think i was called back after a year or so…

Near Southwark only posher…


Nah never heard of it must be somewhere off star wars.

Well hello Lusty.

Na, not yet. Will do. How are you anyway?

Give your council a go. I tried Greenwich about the garages on my road and at first they said fill in the form, join the list (wait 2 years_ etc etc). I then spoke to a Lady and explained I couldn’t insure my bike without one and would take any garage in the borough… she was really friendly - gave me the keys for a few different ones to go look at and I actually found one over the road from me! perfect :smiley:

Give them a go and i think if you’re flexible, then so are they.


That will be the lovely lady parking manager who’s bike friendly.

“Near Southwark but posher…” No such thing" in sarf Lundun.

“New Cross/Peckham/Walworth/ Oval/… but posher…” I’ll accept.


with ya there m8, southark is way posher than new cross/peckham/walworth/oval.

Cheeky fu©ker, Peckham is actually in Southwark!