yeah i did that a few years ago. blinding little things. the people in the surrounding flats didn’t think so though and winged to the property management firm so much i had to remove it. the firm that supplied it were completely cool. think it was gonna be about £9 a week or something. if you’re not gonna get complaints i’d do it. council waiting lists are really long. think i was called back after a year or so…
Give your council a go. I tried Greenwich about the garages on my road and at first they said fill in the form, join the list (wait 2 years_ etc etc). I then spoke to a Lady and explained I couldn’t insure my bike without one and would take any garage in the borough… she was really friendly - gave me the keys for a few different ones to go look at and I actually found one over the road from me! perfect
Give them a go and i think if you’re flexible, then so are they.