Leather Care

Hi Peeps,

I bought a 2nd hand Alpinstar suit mid - end of summer and its looking a bit dull atm. Basically lots of dead flys on it and a bit of dirt on the white bits. I dont know how the previous owner looked after it, but when i bought them of him they were in really nice condition.

i want this suit to last especially now i have matching boots and gloves and was wondering what i should do and how…i emailed alpinestar but they were useless.

Do u guys get ure suits proffesionally cleaned? If so how often? What products do u use and how effective are they??? What about cleaning boots and gloves??

My suit is blue and white if that makes any difference…

Thanks peeps

Get a brush you use to do dishes (new from Tesco - £1.10)

Packet of baby wipes.

Goods old soapy water.

put warm soapy water into bowl , dip brush into water and work leathers.

dry off immediatley with cloth.

allow to dry, clean up bits you missed with baby wipes.

pay attention to seams where debris gets into stitching and damages stitching causes tears and panels to prise open on impact.

once clean, work in some ‘dubbing’ or if you can get it ‘Renpur’ or any other leather ‘food’.


That leather conditioner they flog at the shows is good.

For cleaning everyday ****e off, fly splats etc I use baby whipes! They do a proper BO! job.

EDIT: he beat me to it!