LB Site Issues

As you may be aware, we’ve experienced some troubles this morning with the site, but rest assured, we’re on the case and have restored all services apart from the forums. Members who log in may not be able to access the forums, but we’re working on it now and hope to have it fixed soon.

Please accept our apologies for this inconvenience, we know how you all need your daily LB fix!

Nice one for sorting it
! Don’t get yourself in trouble with your boss though for doing private work in in works time

Thanks Terry. I’m on my lunch break at the moment, so no trouble to be had Incidentally, all issues should be be sorted. Let me know if there’s any trouble.

What, so you can send The Third Man (in Black) Andrew out to make the trouble go away? Local site to local people, and he won’t have any trouble here and all that…

All back up and running here. Boy, was my morning at work boring without LB.

I know! I went back to bed! Only materialised after I was sure the site was running again. Now that I’ve had my fix, I’m ready to face the world.

Phew…I tried to hit LB around 8 pm CST last night and got a “You don’t have permission to access this site using those credentials” message…

I thought I’d been banned! ROFL

Nice work getting it all sorted out, Jay.

I think everyone got a different message or response, it was bonkers. Going to cancel the Umpa Lumpa’s privleges because of this.