The whole site and our email systems have been offline for the best part of half a day, this is due to our connectivity provider losing service for an as of yet, unknown reason. We can only but apologise to you for the loss of service! Everything’s running well now though!
i know, i got back from devon hoping to get online to say howdy and i couldnt! i was beggining to think it was me! glad we are cooking with gas now though!
Nice to know alls well…
Ahhhhhhhhhhh…Barro lays back…Cold beer…Cigar…and ready gob on the first Mod that dares !!!
Loving it…Come on Engerlanddddddddddddd !!!..
Bring on the Porto,s !!!..
I,LL “KIN” SH*T EM !!!
was not working since 10.30 this morning and i thought there was a problem my end,glad its back on now!!!
TFFT, I thought I’d deleted the internet by accident
I got to say sorry to the road digger bloke (I thought he was with BT)…
I caught him outside after trying to log on about ten times and just about had it…
I went out there and soon as he started trying to farm me off …I smacked the ficker…
It wernt until the kids started screaming i realised he was from the water board !!!
So Barro is now the only chap in NW with a hose and tap ban
Hes alrite mate…little clump neva hurt no one…ive pebbled me garden so fook him and his mates !!!
Thank god the site is back and up and running, I was starting to get withdrawl symptons!
Oh no, I was offline for the weekend so, only saw this now.
Happy that everything is back and running smoothly…
glad its back up and running .
Thank God!
Thought I’d broken my Laptop yesterday! Arrgh!!!
enoughs enough…who,s that in your avaitar cos shes flippin yumski !!!