LB has RSS / Content Feeds!

If you didn’t already know, we have RSS feeds for all our online-magazine content, but we’ve just set up a special page for it, to explain what all the feeds are, how you can use them, and to provide shortcut buttons to the most popular online RSS readers out there.

If you don’t know what RSS is, it’s a way for other sites, and programs called readers, to pick up new content the moment it’s released. This means you can track a whole number of your favourite websites and get the content that matters to you, to your desktop in one place.

Personally I use RSS a lot as I don’t have the ability to surf all these sites specifically for content whilst at work, so have the RSS reader show me the content from the sites in a more neutral format, and then I can click into any that take my fancy and read the whole article.

If you make use of the Google or Yahoo search engines, you can add our feeds to their personalised homepages, allowing you to see the latest motorcycle news with LB on these sites every time you use them! Check it out.

Full LB RSS Details:

I use google to read all the RSS from the sites I like. It’s great and easy! Great feature Jay!

Finally got working then. Nice one…

I Use

Yep, all wired up. I normally use RSS Bandit, a desktop aggregator, but seeing as I use about four different computers, I’m experimenting with using bloglines and a couple of others to keep track of things online, makes more sense.

Nice one, keeps my recreational surfing discreet.