LB Christmas Dinner/Party....

Londonbikers will be holding a Christmas Dinner/Party in the first, or second weekend in December. We need to know how many of you would be interested in coming along to celebrate the Festive Season with us??? It’ll be a great evening with a three-course meal and drink provided. You are encouraged to bring as many people as you want, so partners, flat-mates, favourite mechanics and even Ghostie is welcome, join us!

As soon as we have finished talks with the current favourite venue, we can give you a date, time, place and price. All I can tell you at the moment, is that it will be held in Central London, around the soho area.

It’ll be a good chance for us to meet you, and you us!!! With no bikes or leathers, (unless you’re into that sort of stuff!!). Plenty of Alcohol (if you drink) and lots of blackmail photo moments!!! :wink:


The date has been confirmed for the 10th of December. There will also be a maximum number of 50 people allowed to come, this is due to table-space. More are welcome, but they cannot sit at the table for the meal, unfortunately. More information to come soon.

**Another Update/b]

A proper announcement is coming soon with the final details.


I’m in…

Sounds a brilliant idea…2 please if we are around…poss away as we will be in ‘da caribbean’ over Xmas

If i am not on shift I will be up for it

Definately up for it, can’t turn down booze and a nice xmas party! Cya all there!


Count me in! Ooops, of course I’m in, doh… Come on guys n girls

Me too!

Subject to not being booked on the date selected count me and Storm In A D Cup as attending.

If everything goes to plan I will defo be there just waiting for more info

Aye, unless work or a busty blond gets in the way, I’ll be there.

Busty blond sounds good Andrew got anything up ya sleeve?

No, but I’m always optimistic.

if i’m not working can i come lol

Yep I’ll be very up for it

Sounds good to me! Why not make it a black-tie affair…??

(can’t do the 10th…!)

Can we not bring our own busty blondes or girlfriends?

LB members drunk mmmmm gonna make for some funny pics I reckon!

One of my mottos in life is " no matter how hard you try, or uncomfortable it gets, you CANNOT have too many busty blonds (or anyother colour for that matter) in a room "

So the answer is yes. And I’ll not try any of the old cheesy chat up lines on’em…

Yes, invite whoever you like, it’s a great opportunity to involve your other halves, or friends who may not be into bikes, but still allows you to get out and see your LB friends with them!

You a smooth talker Andy?