Ladies Ride Out 18 June 06

Andrew asked for 10 pages so Ladies lets not disappoint…

what a great day - when we got to the ace and the first person i came across was Macleod! not that much later everyone else came through…

Just a big big thanks to Paivi for organising it and especially to our transgender group…

Mike, Nick, Andrew and Ginger…

You guys were great!!!

Hear hear - thanks to Paivi and all the boys for organising a great day.

I was deep in conversation with some old biker mates when I saw AbbyJ in the distance on the grassy knoll opposite the ace setting up for a screamin descent into the ace forecourt, by bumping her back wheel off the bus stop - or …maybe not - maybe I just laughed at her story of peeping through the dark comin back from Bognor - she lives on her motorbike Then Paivi turned up on her Duc and met Andrea, and Blade, and the boys. Get ready - drink red bull - set to go…

Anybody, if you read through this entire drivel you have only yourself and Andrew to blame.

Thanks to all of you for making it a great day, I had a fab day out, apart from Blade scaring the crap out of me on the way back. Can’t thank everybody enough for looking out for me, this was my second rideout and I never thought it could be this much fun.

Arriving at the Ace it was great to see everybody again and meet Macleod, who makes Harley riding look like fun, maybe I’ll win the lottery after all and get myself a cruiser?

I am not sure Ginger had planned on spending the day with a lot of ladies (?) but along he came anyway and got plenty of abuse for it. Poor thing, but you will insist on dying your hair strawberry blond, what do you expect?

We set off probably reasonablish on time and headed towards Box Hill but lost Jackie (Trisckie) and Andrew about ½ mile down the road at the traffic light. Ladies, that man can clearly not be trusted, trying to lead Jackie astray so early on in the day. Finally, after Mike sent Ginger on the lookout Andrew and Jackie managed to find their way back without Ginger and we almost had to send a search party for the search party.

Nick led the way and the fast group with Blade and Macleod close on his ‘heels’ and me trailing a little behind (and Nick slowing down to check I hadn’t gone missing, thanks mate, not as much wobble as the previous time you had to escort me around), we managed to reach Boxhill without any further incidents after a fun ride, don’t ask me where, had the route written down on post-its covering my bike but my navigational skills let me down again. If I didn’t get caught on camera for going ever so slightly below the speed limit, this was entirely thanks to Macleod who kept sticking her foot or hand out to warn me off whenever there were any coming up.

At Boxhill, Mike kindly and in simple language went through basic puncture repair, Blade larged it as usual and I wasn’t the only one who tried to look intelligent but slightly glazed when Mike explained about repairing a puncture and mentioned words I’d never heard before . My puncture repair kit is called Carole Nash and so far they haven’t failed me, though Mike, I promise I will make an effort and learn. I know now what I should carry in my very small underseat storage space and it doesn’t involve shoes, apparently.

I for my part thought I’d stay with the pootle group for the rest of the ride to Worthing but then got tempted into keeping up with the fast group (Nick, Mike, Blade, Macleod and Riz), they however were off as soon as they hit the A24 and I rapidly saw their rear lights disappearing in the distance. I told myself not to worry, had yellow post-it notes all over my bike to remind me where I was going and the slow group would surely catch up with me. Had a great ride through some lovely villages (which I was later told nobody else passed through, oops) and eventually arrived in Worthing with no sight of the fast or the slow group. Damn! Rang Blade and discovered they were all at the lido wondering where I had gone. Doh!

I don’t think we (or at least me arriving late) saw anything note worthy in Worthing, we filled up at the nearest petrol station after nearly losing Paivi and Andrew (see, there he is again trying to lead an innocent lady astray). Paivi, Nick, Mike and Blade went off first, with AbbeyJ, Andrew and myself fairly far behind as it appeared later, with Ginger at the back looking after Jackie. At some point Andrew waved AbbeyJ and me past and disappeared from view (after Ginger shot past us at no more than speed limit speed, I never actually saw him and don’t think he rode past us as he claims, there is some sort of trickery involved and he got ahead of us, I am sure) and AbbeyJ clearly didn’t want to be left behind. Babe you got me to do my first 90 miles an hour (for any officers of the law reading this, this clearly is a typing error), I couldn’t believe it when I looked down and saw how fast I was going, without you, I’d never have made it past 70 (oops, another typo).

Suddenly, we saw Ginger running like a lunatic down the A24 towards us and waving us down (sorry, mate at the time I thought you were mad, now I realise you are just very brave). We pulled up at the curb and I saw Blade lying in the middle of the roundabout with a 4by4 nearby, nearly went up to the person who I thought was the driver and asked them whether they had anything to do with this, was convinced they had. I will change my views about them, they saw what happened and stopped for Blade, great people.

Nick was sorting the ambulance and the RAC, Mike was sorting the bikes and Andrew and Ginger the traffic, AbbeyJ was the only person making any sense of us ladies, I think Jackie and I were both in shock that our mate was down. After the RAC had picked up Blade’s bike we were off back to London, eventually we were down to only Mike and me arriving at the Ace after losing Andrew in traffic (no doubt some girls were involved somewhere, tststs), where we caught up with Maclead, Andrew and later Nick.

Thanks to all of you for organising, looking after and being such a nice bunch of people, I have a great time with you and can’t wait for our next ride out, finally knowing, that the nutter (Blade) as she shall be known from now on is OK.

See you all and ride save.

OI* !!! Im a “nutter” in the nicest sense no? who moi? Good account of the day Andrea…wish it could have ended a bit better but oh well…when im up and out again…will buy big cake and have drinks at ace to celebrate with you all !!! (cos im a nice “nutter” really)…And hey, well done u on the first 90!!! Woo Hoo

hey andrea, well done on that 90!!! i get scared doing 110mph! thats fast enough for me, i generally do 80ish. well done again and glad all you ladies and trannies had a good time, he he

p.s. can i come next time? x

yeah well i left triskie at the where the a272 crosses the a24 and flew past the others on the a24 dont know what speed i was doing spedo f***** (needs sorting)

lets just say very fast

Ha ha Ginger !! U passed Trisckie? Bet she LET u?..anyway, MOI was the only one doing any flying yesterday !! through the air, along the gravel, and plonked onto the middle of roundabout…i know its not, but well sorta is, funny, but i did the same as my bike? We both somersaulted, slid and got dumped at more or less same time !! think i can put in for syncronised crashes with your bike??? hows that for companionship?

i was riding slowest rider unlike you she saud she will caqtch us yup at boxhill but we didnt get there did we, because your somersalting through the air

mum listen ill buy you a trampoline for christmas that way it a lot safer

Congrats on that 90… u know that u and that machine of yours can do a bit more than that???

Oops Officer, i am dyslexic and thought that 60 was a 90…

How mad was that girl on the yellow ducati, her boyfriend had the red r1… they rode with us for a while, and get this jeans and trainers…

so you spend easily £20grand on bikes and then cant afford the extra £1000 on clothing…

that guy was a nutter… i followed him for a bit till he did an overtake on a blind corner… girlfriend wisely stayed next to me…

Ginger - better not be parking in disabled bays again - now why did you not go and park the rest of those bikes…


Ginger - better not be parking in disabled bays again - now why did you not go and park the rest of those bikes…

put my bike across the way from the disabled bay, so there

anyway be good and be safe

i still cant believe she had a right old go at ya didnt she…

even after u told her we had moved…

yep she sure did

Hello! newbie here.

I know Rizla from another forum and bumped into her at Boxhill where I heard about this ride, wish I had found the forum earlier and I’d come along!

I think I saw you guys returning to Boxhill later on Sunday? Anyway, seems like you guys had fun, hopefully its not too long til the next one and I’ll pop along!

way cool…

said welcome b4 but welcome again - see ya at cubana as well…

hi kitten! hopefully you’ll join us on a future girls rideout - not sure if I’ll be on the next tho as I think it’s the same w/e as the SV annual bash (which I really ought to make as I’ve missed the last 3!!)

guys & girls - thanks for a nice day out & a good write up! made me laugh, which was good as my exam went a bit pants today. I guess that serves me right for spending the entire weekend out on the bike instead of doing revision then!!

That’s the spirit. Exams (and future career potential) be damned I say! Hurrah!

Yup, it was a long old day, and despite all the hassles and adventures we all made it back in one piece (ish) and live to ride another day

I think next time the ride’ll be shorter, or certainly less dual carriageway as it does string the group out too much with the different bikes/attitudes etc.

So lets have some opinions on whether

  1. a simple blat down a DC or major road to arrive at a major destination, or

  2. a wander about on country roads with no real destination

would be preferred.

Anyway, here’s some pics of the day










how cool does McLeod look ?










and finally


