Mine’s rubbish
****OKOOrthopaedic Knowledge Online (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons; online education)
****OKOOsuuspankkien Keskuspankki Oyj (Finland bank)
***OKOOborova Kontaktni Organizace (Czech: Departmental Contact Organization)
**OKOOverleg Kleine Onderwijsverstrekkers (Dutch: Small Talk Education Providers; education reform)
**OKOOdsjek Krivicne Odbrane (Serbian: Department of Criminal Defense; Ministry of Justice; Bosnia and Herzegovina)
**OKOObalni Komorni Orkester (Slovenian: Coastal Chamber Orchestra; est. 1983)
*OKOOperacij Kriznega Odzivanja (Slovenian: Crisis Response Operations)
PJ (31/03/2010)