Just wnated to let everyone know Jay’s put up some of my pics in the Cadwell section gallery.
Just thought I’d let you all know, cos it coincides nicely with the delayed ITV coverage today…if you’re really lucky (I think they might be including the R6 cup where I work this week) then you might even get a chance to see me running around on the grid like a tart (Media jacket 015 if you’re really interested and miss me, Ha ha)
Enjoy (the pics too)
(Self publicity is a right b*tch to do without sounding like an egomaniac!)
I get mine for the R6 Cup, I film it for Channel 5, so no worries bout me nicking your Londonbiker patch.
I hear you never made it to Cadwell, but you planning on Silverstone or Brands?
LMk. T
Hehe no worries man, you’re very handy with a cam and it’s good to know someone else can get the shots too. Neither Silver nor I are precious about the things (well not really) and it’s cool that someone else is there!
Yeah, all things being equal and working I’ll be covering the last 2 meets of the BSB season and look forward to seeing you there.
Filming the R6 Cup eh? Tell us more if you’re allowed to.