Just a man, and his 1098.

I really love this shot.

That looks like the kind of picture that Glyn Dewis would take…if you like that sort of stuff then look at his site www.gyndewis.com (I think).

That’s HDR isn’t it? How exactly was it done?

I’ve got a Canon G9 (I know, not the best camera in the world, but half decent) and I want to try that effect.

Looks like an advert for a gay dating site * . . . :stuck_out_tongue:

  • not that I have much experience of these natch! :ermm: :hehe:

hang on a minute…bike shot is ok but someone please get rid of the poser and photoshop in a blond bimbo with her t*ts out :slight_smile:

hang on a minute…bike shot is ok but someone please get rid of the poser and photoshop in a blond bimbo with her t*ts out :slight_smile:

i see that you are looking somewhere else, you must have seen an 1198R. lol! :laugh:

dont think its HDR (or if it is its a very light usage). looks more like they’ve just done a lot of work on lighting the scene properly with studio lights etc. you’ll need a fair bit of kit to achieve that look i’m afraid

if you look at his feet there are shadows in both directions as they’ve lit from both sides off camera

It is possible to do without studio lights - using a couple of external flashguns, a set of pocket wizards/cactus triggers and your G9’s hotshoe. The wizards/triggers are basically infrared/radio frequency trip switches - whereby you clamp the transmitter onto your hotshoe - and when you fire the shutter of your camera - the transmitter fires it’s signal to the receiver which is attached to the bottom of the flashgun 10 feet away - the receiver picks up the signal and makes the flashgun fire.

I bought a flashgun last year but it’s been out of the box once - so - I have a theoretical understanding of how this works - but have never done it myself - and if I’m incorrect - I’d be happy for someone to come along and correct me :slight_smile: : You set your aperture/shutterspeed for the background to be underexposed by 2/3 stops … and then set your flash power high so that it overpowers the sun … thus making your subject pop/appear brighter than the background which only has the sun shining on it.

I think that makes sense?

A bloke I know from a 'togging forum is bloody good at it … pics on flickr that have a bit of an explanation with them … example onetwo three … and a G9 one for good measure (doesn’t show it quite as well but you get the idea)

sorry if I’ve gone on for a bit :smiley:

Yeah I knew that!:Whistling:

This month’s Digital SLR Photography mag has a big feature on using flash photography and doing the process mr-c is talking about.

You don’t necessarily need a controller by the way, the pop up flash can be used to control the flashguns wirelessly, but depends on the cam
and the flashguns (which won’t be all that cheap)

mine can apparently do this but haven’t tried the setup yet- trying to get to grips with it stuck to the cam is hard enough!

A very nice picture indeed. But I think it’s sending out all the wrong meanings ( to me anyway ) He should be on the bike not just posing like a c@ck-a-doddle-do.