Is everyone alright?

As London Bikers, is everyone ok? I am not allowed to leave the building now. Reckon its goodbye to my trip to Brands this afternoon but such is life.

We have a place in the Isle of Man called Little London…

I was gonna try and get off this arvo… I got a gig to rehearse for on Friday night… apprently we gotta finish just as the fireworks start… my god, this could all go terribly wrong!

Apart from that… yeah… blindin’

I work at Gower Street very near tavistock square and even more near to Russel Square. Our building is on alert mode since the first blast, with all the security doors closed! The instructions were to stay put ! but as I commute on a scooter I just went home… On my way I saw a huge variety of reactions. People crying,rushing,lost,stoped static…You can imagine… Loads of our Staff do commute using the Kings Cross and Russel Square… they fail to show up, obviously. We are working on find out if everyone is safe on line.

Hope the rest of you are fine!

Ah Chuffster, that’s bad luck. Where do you work that won’t let you out, in a Prison? Good luck in getting out to your trackday. Though I must say, it’s pretty crap weather out there, I don’t think I’d want to be on track right now! Well not on my bike at least

My building is locked too! I got out there by using a tunnel that connects to the other building where my garage is, before the stay put order. All the others are not allowed to leave up to second order.

Just saw in the news that no buses, trains or undergroung is or will work for a while in London(zone1).

Im just going to my garage to give my scooter another kiss and say I love her!

I would be at my work building up to now if it wasn’t for her!