Might be an old subject, but I was impressed by this and in London I thought it might be worth while sharing the good news. I just done an online quote for the Gixxer and CB250n online with ebike-insurance, and found something that I have never heard of before, or atleast no one has asked or told me before. I done the original quote for a standard Gixxer , and then went back and added the modifications. I added R&G crash bungs first on their own, and requoted… drum roll… the amount went DOWN by £23, so if that £55 for R&G’s wasn’t good enough for your fairings they also save money on the Insurance.I can only assume that with R&G’s, and their reputation, you are less likely to claim in the event of a spill. Bargain if you ask me. I also managed to add all the mods, exhaust, PCIII, air filter, screen, removed graphics, hugger and the price never budged. Done about 12 quotes now and I’m bored to be honest, only one other company beat the price by £40 but their excess was stupidly high. Ebikes was actually the least amount of excess aswell at £250.

Nice eh, I think that’s who I’m insured with.

Nice one Mate i’ll remember that when mine comes up

I just got a quote makes interesting reading …

I’m 31, 5 years bike riding and 1 years NCB on a 2001 SV650

We currently pay £130 3rd Party Fire & Theft with Bennetts.

EBike wanted £200 3rd PFT and £280 Fully comp…

God only knows what will happen with the new bike. Insurance to hit £1000 again no doubt !

ebike rock. 1/3 the price of my Bennett’s quote.

Aren’t they great? My fully comp policy (even after declaring my Akrapovic) with eBike costs less than my renewal TPFT quote. I couldn’t believe it. I had to phone them up to make sure they didn’t think I had a 1980s Z750!

Hmmmm, now I wonder if I can afford that MV Augusta F4S…

Nice bike David! Is that a 750 or a 1000?

It’s the 750 and she’s a beaut.