Do you feel happy with the current set up with bike insurance? Do you feel it is unfair/a rip off? Do you think the law should be changed so’s these company’s won’t be able to cash in on peoples misery (or fear of it!!)
Do you feel like they want everything they’re own way? Are you running around like a blue arsed fly trying to meet they’re conditions?
Is it impossible to have the bike you want because you live in a “high risk” area?
Is it fair to insure bikes for theft because of the “area” they’re kept in?
Personally - I Don’t think so.
We live under a govenment whom preach they’re dedication to “fairness”
So why does a huge industry like insurance still get away with discrimination against people who live in “high risk” area’s?
My first year FC on the scoot (a few years ago now) was over a grand
Quite happy with ebike at about £500 FC for the Monster though, and that will keep coming down each year.
As for area, TBH I don’t think it is fair but at the end of the day they are in business for the advantage of their shareholders not their policy holders.
I’m generally happy with insurance now I’m an old git(money wise) but they still are too complicated (to get out of paying claims I’m sure) but do feel that out of this billion pound industry more should be fed back into the security/protection side. Why not % to police for dedicated motorvehicle theft squads etc and more into m/c security .
Living in a “high” risk area even the car is 20 - 50% more expensive than some people have to pay, but thats the joys of living in London. Personally I’d like to see a bit more done by the police who seem to think “thats what you pay your insurence for”. If they targeted bike theft and the little toerags who run around with no tax or insurance and no experience perhaps our premiums would go down a little bit.
Im not I had to take out another policy for my tzr with my company. Get this though, I cant use the 2 years no claims bonus on it as im using it on the firestorm, but if I have an accident on the tzr I lose my ncb WTF is that all about ?
Next time you see a guy park a bike in London without so much as a disc lock, or you’re at bar italia and hear one of these “I’ve thrown it down the road 3 times this year but that’s what insurance is for” types, have a word with 'em.
I’m not a fan of insurance companies, but the above all contribute to our high premiums.
The reason they get away with it is because insurance is Mandatory in this country. they have us over a barrel.
If you go to South Africa - you don’t have to take out insurance - a few cents of your petrol goes into a central insurance fund that people can claim from if there’s an accident and the person didn’t take out their own insurance.
This in turn, means that insurance is cheap there, as companies are now vying for your business - rather than here where we have to spend 8 days on the phone trying to bring the quotes down to a reasonable amount.
as said before a lot of it is about ringing around, i normally get quotes about 2 grand tpft but managed to get it down to 780 comp, ( with only 2 years no claims after fault accident, speeding ban and points on licence) the first price normally takes into account the monthly payments at “no extra charge” but there is normally a discount for paying it in full, a bank loan is cheaper by about 10 percent than insurance company instalments on the whole, why give them your money?
also totally agree with the point about people not putting on disc locks etc also people claiming road accidents after they come off on trackdays doesnt help in the grand scheme of things
I have just added my blade [tpo] to my comp gsxr policy for £40
Always ring around, and tell them you are . . . that way you waste less time with each successive **** offering you a policy £20 cheaper than the previous - hence the “what have you been quoted already” question
Interesting…you know it used to be so cheap to get insured…I’m looking at what some people have said…£400 -£1000 a year to insure a bike?..Steep if I may say so.
The thing that really gets me is that they have the right to quote what they want to anyone…AND…have the right to discriminate against anyone living in an area they find statistically unfavourable!!
Now in this land of political correctness gone completely mental quite some time ago - HOW DOES THIS ADD UP?
But then, do you think it’s fair that somebody who lives in a low risk area would pay the same insurance than somebody in a high risk area? I live in a very high-risk area, as I’ve learnt to my cost, and a higher premium is a price I have to pay, and I accept it.
But, then, my FC on my scooter is £300. Will possibly change next year, as Ebike is offering a better deal. And, now with two claims this year, and possibly a third one in the way, I have to start shopping around much more.
If fairness is the order of the day - Paivi - then the cost should be spread over the nation,
we really need to be carefull with what were paying in taxes.
Why should a rider of the same age/experience/bike etc in one part of the country have to pay more than someone in another part?
Does the rider have to move house in order to ride his bike???
maybe the fairer way for them to work out premiums would be to start off everyone on a low standard rate, regardless of age, engine size, location, and definately occupation!? and then base any rises on only anything they have to pay out
so if you have lots of fault accidents you have to pay more
or have lots of bikes stolen you have to pay more
but for getting points no difference, or for living in different areas no difference as neither of these actually cost the insurance company any more?
chrissdee, you mention it seems steep, i reckon the last 5 or 6 years insurance has cost me about 5 grand in total, i had a fault claim but it only cost them about 700 for a new rear bumper for an escort (was third party so had to spend about a grand on cbr for my damage) certainly seems that they are making plenty from it
I live near Toronto, Canada. I ride a 2005 GSXR1000. It costs me $1200 for full coverage, even though I’ll never see 40 again and have never made a claim. I don’t know if that is expensive by UK standards, but it also costs me $730 for third party alone on my 1990 VFR750.
I left England in the 70’s and back then the insurance for my Bonneville was quite reasonable. I guess like everything, insurance has gone up.
If anyone is interested on the bike scene here in Canada, and the U.S. send me an email to [email protected].