I'm sorry to say another one down

just seen this thread. so sorry to hear about Claire’s off. best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Sorry to hear about the accident and wish to Claire a speady recovery.

Charlie we all do mistakes, unfortunately sometime, you just have to accept them and move on as you cannot go back in time and correct them. Therefore, don’t be angry with yourself, it doesn’t help!

Best wishes,


Hi Charly - beating yourself up and going short on sleep is not going to help Claire. What’s happened has happened and s**t does happen - all you can do now is move on. All the best to you both… BC2

Hi there,

I’ve not met either of you yet but would like to send my very best wishes for a speedy recovery to Claire and also a big hug to Charlie … don’t beat yourself up hon, I’m sure the only person blaming you is you !!

Sounds like a freak accident that was just bad luck.Hope she gets back to best soon Charly

Sorry to hear about the accident, i hope Claire makes a full and speedy recovery and is back on two wheels again soon.

so sorry to hear about claire charlie, GWS claire and anything i can do charlie just let me know

Large sackful of Irish best wishes sent Claire’s way. May recovery come speedily to you both.

I would if I could, I hope she is OK, so sorry to hear this.

really sorry to hear the news and Claire i hope you get the treatment you deserve ASAP! GWS girl

charlie, it takes a good man to admit they’re in the wrong, and as others have said we all make mistakes - just unfortunate that this one ended up this way

Charlie, really sorry to hear of the accident and Claire’s break.

Thinking of you both and sending warm wishes… ann x

best wishes claire get well soon

get well soon xxxx

Sorry to hear this , get well soon.

Charly be aware re the claim? Council will have answers for everything?..tried that with my accident re the roundabout? Police AND Hosp advised suing the council as bikers had died in same place and they said regular biker accidents? But got the letter through that its “not in our best interests to pursue claim” blah blah blah…so take care when applying to start claim on this one mate?


Sorry to hear about the accident. I hope that Claire recovers fully and quickly.

Appears that you trying to take responsibility for everything…not possible.

It was an accident, and beating yourself up not helpful to yourself, Claire or anyone else.

Keep on being you (- the helpful, kind, friendly person we all know and love like, sorry don’t want to get too gushy!!:blush

That’ll sort everything.

( There was no signage as far as I recall as to the severity of the bend and there should have been shevrons on the corner in my opinion. I’m speaking to RSS in the morning. )

Your right there was no warning at all at the bend Mate. No win etc sounds like a good idea to me!


Live in essex mate, can you put a map up where this happened?

It’s not too far from me, if I get the chance, I will try and pop out that way over the weekend.

Havent met you guys yet, but was sorry to hear of the accident, as everyone has been saying, dont beat yourself up about it.

When riding in groups it is easy to follow that of the person in front, if you “overcooked” it going into the corner claire may well have been following you. Easy thing to do and she will learn from it and ride for herself when in a group in future.

With regard to her brakes mate, even if they were spongey, I am guessing that she would have been used to them. What I mean is, what you consider to me spongey, she might class as normal. You brake accoding to your knowledge of the bike and so long as they didn’t fail, you can’t blame yourself for believing that her braking power was not that of yours. If she rode your bike, she may well grab a handful of brake and go flying over the handlebars.

Don’t beat yourself up mate, these things happen.


Is this the bend that where it happened (slightly better map?)? Looks like a nasty bend and very undulating looking at the height change, 10 meters in a short distance.

Hard to believe there wouldnt be any signage… if not, take photo’s. Hope it all works out matey.