over the last few days i’ve seen bikes in flip flops shorts etc.
the worse was a biker in full gear and a girl on the back in a summer dress flittered past on the m25 way over 80mph (i was 70 ish in the car)
Now it makes me cringe but i see the appeal. Is it that i’m getting old and love my skin or do others cringe at it as well?
i must say this week I have dropped my jacket for and travelled in a hoody, but I don’t have a summer lighter style jacket yet. I have to seen some people in shorts and no gloves etc. most are scooter riders. but nothing bet the 3 R1 riders in t-shirts no gloves and trainers speed and doing some stupid s**t…
There was a guy on a bike t’other day in shorts flip-flops and so on, but what was worst is his girlfriend was on the back in barely anything at all and sandals. He wasn’t being easy on the throttle either or riding with care.
After taking a patch off my knee through wearing jeans that’s never healed over properly (still big scar) I’m really careful these days. I’d hate to see the state these people could wind up in.
Came to work on Tuesday in Jeans and Tshirt. Wore my gloves and boots though. It was a great feeling and reminded me of riding around on my RD125LC in shorts/tshirt/flip flops when i was a teenager.
I take it as an acceptable risk to ride like this sometimes, but it goes without saying that i will not do motorway speeds or anything close to that when dressed like that.
I saw a woman on a scooter yesterday going down the embankment… Kid on the back in shorts and t-shirt, open face helmet. His feet couldn’t even touch the pegs, they were just dangling around. And he was barely holding on to her at all… I very nearly said something to her, I don’t like to get involved but that was the worst I’ve seen so far…
Even today I was wearing my two piece leathers, f’ing hot but at least I will be better protected.
I was riding home along Holloway Road in the bus lane and a car slows and indicates left in lane two. The driver looks over at me as I stop and starts to move left, he then has to brake sharply as a vespa comes screaming along the bus lane undertakes me swerves to avoid the car and carries on. I eventually catchup to him at the next set of lights, and said “What the F was that all about” and gave him a lecture on what I thought he had done wrong. I then notice the shorts T shirt no gloves chin strap undone and boots no laces. I then gave him a lecture on the probable outcome had he hit the car with the clothing he was wearing in very graphic detail. He looked about 16 so I was prepared for the f off old man what do you know about it, but to his credit he apologised and said he realised he had done wrong. Hopefully a lesson learnt and some skin saved
See them all the time these days. I may comment on it with others, but in the end it’s their choice, and if I ever end up in a situation where I’ll need an organ transplant, chances are it’ll be from one of those riders without protection.
+1. Came off in June, on one of the sunny days, but still had full kit on. Wasn’t a bad off, but still a broken elbow and lots of bruising which is still effing painful. Dread to think what it would have been like without body armour.
But Darwinian law exists everywhere & I don’t think he said anything about survival of the coolest
I’d rather sweat a bit than need a skin graft. I think the only people you see wearing shorts and tshirts on a big bike are those that haven’t come off…yet.
i wear a textile jacket and overtrousers (so I have suit trousers underneath) it’s pretty toasty but not ridiculous. i’m mildly concerned that what i wear only offers basic armour and protection. the shorts and tshirt brigade make me feel a little better.
Im pretty much helmet an gloves in this weather to an from work although if im going for a ride outta town or with other bikers i’ll gear up end of the day its down to personal choice imho
ps achim i always carry my wallet with a donor card .
At the time I thought to myself ‘silly people’ as I stood there with my jacket and in my kevlar jeans.
Then today, I’m in the hallway, again in kevlar jeans, holding my back pack getting ready to head to the gym, feeling the heat outside… screw it, I rode up in a T shirt, kevlar jeans (as I already had them on) and gloves.
I think it’s only the second time I’ve ever ridden without a proper jacket, but I knew I was only going a mile (yes, yes, I should walk… but walking’s not good for my knee and back ) and wouldn’t be going over 30mph. As some have said, you have to balance the risk with the benefit.