Maybe it doesn’t help that I am coming to an end of a 12hr night shift.
Watching the news this morning the latest thing to that looks to be looked into by the P.C brigade is Christmas lights (Bl""dy Chistmas lights).
Apparrently we are not aloud to call them that now we must call them Winter Light as it affends some Ethnic groups. Now please believe I am no racist, I work in Brick Lane. I am just getting fed up with it all. They are only lights, now up Brick Lane the Christmas Lights have already been put up.
So if the P.C brigade think that Christmas lights affend certain Ethnic groups TAKE A WALK UP BRICK LANE YOU T**TS.
FFS what a load of b0!!0cks!!! I always say when in Rome do as the Romans do, so if i chose live in another country with a different culture and had to give up bacon, booze and fornicating, then so be it… (well ok i wouldn’t move there )
Russ, I doubt they actually had any complaints saying “we think ure being insenitive calling them christmas lights” more like the government is being overally P.C.
In case that was the point u were trying to make sorry misundertsood!
Working for an University and being it multicultural and trying to be polically correct, there are rumours that they want actually make xmas holliday shorter as ‘other’ cultures don’t have the same faith therefore they prefer to work now and have their holiday when they believe it has to be!
They say that’s it’s not fair that people that believe xmas is on 25th have bank holiday and they have to use their holidays to book days off when their religion says it’s xmas or whatever their believes are.
It won’t affect all of us but the support staff and the cleaners… I just couldn’t believe it! It’s un-official and I prefer to ignore it by thinking that someone without a good sense of humour started to spread this rumours around…
But if that’s true and go to work in a country where they don’t have xmas I will have an extra holiday on 25th???
So if the government is becoming a nanny state, why blame ethnic minorities? Im from an ethnic minority and nobody in my community has ever had any objections to Xmas lights, in fact at Christmas we put up our own trees and enjoy Xmas too.
It’s madness, and as someone said, most likely the Government trying to pre-empt anything and do this themselves. I can’t believe it, what a mad place we live in?! Whilst I’m very neutral when it comes to beliefs and convictions, I feel as though we’re being made to feel ashamed that we have a cultural identity. I just don’t understand it. Is this not Britain?
I wonder how long it will take for rampant immigration and the failure of immigrants to integrate (in fact, being ENCOURAGED NOT TO INTEGRATE) type problems appear in the UK similar to those occuring in France?