how old is a london biker?

i’lll get the ball rolling, i’m 23

33, but looking right good for my age and decidely handsome … aided by the distinguishing grey hair starting to appear.

Handsome Trojan !

cough 30 cough

Lookin good there Trojan. 32 for about another month mate. See at 33

Ripe old age of 24


i’m only as old as the woman i’m feeling…!!! and shes 39…!!!

you are as old as you ride.

21, 22, 23, bunch of youg wipper snappers, been there , done that, twice, i can almost remember whem dinousaurs ruled the earth.

i was about when England won the world cup the last time. come on England.

I ride for over 20 years legally… do the math…

Cezar, 24?

26 for me, another year next month though… oh no, feeling the age creeping on…

23 meself.


Gonna start counting backwards from me next birthday

42 but getting younger every year now

A particularly juvenile 34 over here.

Eeesh, you young pups!!! I was also around when England last won the cup (just). Mentally, thank God, I am still 11.

fifty one today! or was it fifteen, I think that senile dementure thing is kicking in…

Oh and I was there in '66

i’m 23 till next month then i’m just one year from being a quarter of a century old - now how old do you feel?

Lady pillion is 23 aswell!

21…will be 22 soon…ure all invited lol!

25 for me

30 But I’m feeling a 27 year old girl, so that makes me 27, right?