How many people haven't had an accident?

ive never fallen off…

ok…i’ll get my coat….


Yeah right! :w00t: Shane, you’re the only person I know whose bike spends more time on its side than any other position! :stuck_out_tongue:

:laugh: asking if bikers have fallen is like asking people who walk whether they have ever tripped up or fallen over. We all have or will do, as there will be times when falling off or dropping the bike is pretty well unavoidable.

The key is to make sure you do it in a controlled manner to minimise damage (a) to you and your pillion, and (b) to your bike, in that order (although a common mistake is to get these in the wrong order!).

It also helps enormously if you and your pillion are wearing the proper gear, and you have proper protection for your bike (engine bars, crash posts, etc).

Yip, my sentiments exactly.

When I started riding all those decades ago I was told you can only consider yourself an experienced rider if you fell off 7 times! What a lot of rot.
I’ve had a few near misses in my early days, but have always managed to stay on the bike.

Get out there and enjoy your riding, with experience you will be able to identify and avoid lots of hazardous situations. Even the most experienced are not immune from things going wrong.

Be observant not worried.

Just make sure you have a good live insurance if you have kids. If you don’t PM me and i will be happy to help you get appropriate cover :smiley:

boots, bergen an helmet and start tabbing you cheeky little cupcake !!!though technically were any of yours ‘Falls’ :wink:

more than 5…

I’ve been knocked off by other road users (i’d argue not my fault but who knows) twice and then came off through my own fault twice, the latest being today :smiley:

Been riding pretty much daily 3-4 years, 1 year in London.



Five? - I demand a recount :wink:

Mate…Is it true that the local test centre has it’s own special department just for you? :D:D:D

Nah - do you really think I’d have the gregory to go back to the same test centre 5 times? I like to spread myself around… erm… :smiley:

Test centres around London on high alert - “here comes Ramone again, put them cones closer together an lets have us another right good laff”.

Come on Stevie, hurry up and pass, I want to take you to the Nurburgring and then I can show where I fell off. (Only time, fell off due to my own brake fuid on the front tyre) Honest!

Touch wood i’ve had 8 years accident free driving and bout 6 months ridin i personally reckon if i carry on being carefull and considerate and not an angry little git that i have plenty more accident free years…

But then ppl say well its the other idiots you need to watch for … well you just said it really if you watch for them they won’t hit you. . . .

Only once my ass kissed the tarmac when I slid on some ice… Only doing about 15 mph so picked meself up and carried on to work but learned my lesson!!

Have you tried going in disguise?

No accidents in 7 years so far. Am 25 now. Commute all year round.

Today, being the first day commuting after the clocks went back, it felt a lot more dangerous. :w00t:

Had a few spills in my time, its par for the course, if you enjoy biking its something you learn to deal with in your own way…

Get as much training as you can and avoid taking stupid risks, you dont need to have much of an imagination to work out the consequences…

Up to tonight, I could have (sort of) said none. But i dropped the bike with me on board doing a simple reserve out of a parking space! Twat.

Destroyed two scooters in my teens but escaped pretty much unscathed.

Chucked a couple of trials bikes down a few times in competitions but they’re built for that.

Hopped off a BMW that was about to T bone a van doing an illeagal U turn back a while. (Discovered hopping at 10 MPH isnt easy.)

Not too bad for 45 years of riding, but there’s always tomorrow.*


*Well, there will be tomorrow once I’ve straightened the foot brake pedal, sorted the twist grip, binned the jagged, broken hand guard, and so on.)

I’ve been hit 4 times now in 2½ years of London commuting, but have yet to come off… touches wood

+1 the idea is that you dont come off! keep your eyes out!

but yeh ive ditched it countless times off road and about 3 times on the road trying to get away with too much since 03