How dumb can I get.

I can be so dumb at times, Got in to work yesterday a little early than normal was unloading the stuff out the seat of my scooter as i do every morning then a member of staff decided to start talking to me out the window.

long story short I managed to leave the keys in my bike all day with out even knowing until I was getting ready to leave and could not find my keys.

I must have walked past the bike at least 4 time during my fag runs and never even spotted them sitting in there…

it was still there when I finished work.

I’m waiting for the day I do this. I know it’s going to happen…

doh ! lol good thing no one nicked the typh mate ive done this before abit embaressing when you do it haha.

This happens when someone interrupts your routine. It’s happened to me and I’ve had to go back to the bike in the street several hours later and find the keys. It’s easy to do because unlike a car (where you have to take the keys out to lock it) the bike will just sit there happily if you leave the keys in it.

What can help is if you have a number sequence for locking it up and each number represents a check, e.g. 1. Neurtal, 2. Disk lock, 3. Steering lock, 4. Keys.

I do that for my Kreiga, 1-4 are clips, 5 is the top pocket clip and zip. Or for the paddock stand. 1. In gear, 2, side stand down, 3, lower the bike.

your so right i was distracted don’t help when you have ear phones in and some one starts talking to you I was all over the shop…

I have learnt a lesson there. might not be so lucky if it happens again. in fact its the 2nd time I have done it the 1st time parked outside my mum place and went over the road to the shops. at least that was only a 2 min thing but that’s all it takes to be off with it I guess

i parked up a scoot near baker st and left the keys in it, also left my lid on the seat. then went for a 2 hour meeting.

it was all there when i got back.

thing is, whilst there’s some nasty buggers out there, not everyone is a thieving scrote.

I have done this once. At least my disc lock was on.

I have been next to a biker at the lights who had a big green sticker on the inside of his flyscreen that read “KEYS!”

I’ve left the keys in the ignition a couple of times at work when someone intercepted me before I’d finished parking up. Luckilly I have secure parking in a private compound so it was relatively safe. I’ve now got a bright flourescent yellow key fob that really stands out against the black bike so I see it sitting there.

I’ve also done it on the bike outside my house when I’ve left the key in the seat lock on the left hand side while I get stuff out - because there’s no room on that side, I stand away from the key and it makes it very easy to forget. I’ve done it a couple of times and gone straight back, one time I actually left it overnight.

Since then I’ve seperated the ground anchor key, ignition key and alarm fob so that if someone does get the ignition key they can’t just jump off and ride away with the bike.

Problem with this is that if you do leave the key in the ignition everyone else can see it easily too… :Whistling:

I keep my lock keys separate to my ignition key too. Partly for this but mainly because I don’t like having a load of keys bouncing around when I’m riding and they scratch up the area around the ignition lock.

I did think of that but it also helps me if I drop the key on the floor and have to find it again. I haven’t left it in the ignition since it went hi-vis.