for the past few day a fox keeps coming into my garden! :ermm:
although i love nature i dont like the baby dippers & garbage it brings with it :sick:
whats the best way of getting rid of it?
for the past few day a fox keeps coming into my garden! :ermm:
although i love nature i dont like the baby dippers & garbage it brings with it :sick:
whats the best way of getting rid of it?
Air rifle.
Get a dog
Speak to Wasp, she’ll be able to tell you how she deals with foxes in her garden :w00t:
illegal, immoral, ineffective. get a professional in.
or a shotgun!
way too messy! use a crossbow
Heard there was a .22 rifle and shotgun going spare up in West Cumbria
I like that!!!
Judging by the number I see by the side of the road whenever I am on a major A road or Motorway, I would assume running it over would work…
Or leave it alone
Apparently urinating in the garden marks it as your territory and the fox won’t enter. No idea if that’s true or an old wives tale. Don’t get arrested for exposure if the kids next door can see into your garden.
Other than that, dog it is although that might become more annoying than the fox…
We had this problem, we got some stuff from these people We got the sprayer and the “Scoot” (Top quality sprayer by the way)
Seems to work, but then again I also tried weeing in the garden where they had been digging:blush:
Whichever worked we now dont get our flower beds dug up!
Kev this isnt cod4 lol
I might try the pi$$ solution first!! :w00t:
kill streak of 25, that’s what you need
Ahhh but which one?
Feck it, one then the other but which order, sword or mine, or mine then sword.
Decisions, decision…
Peeing in the garden works to some extent, but only male pee for some reason. Similarly they are not put of by the smell of female dogs - when I had a male dog there were no foxes in the garden at all, now the saunter around totally unfazed. They are not scared at all of a huge female German Shepherd barking her head off at them.According to the local council there is a bye-law which can land you with a £1000 fine if you kill or injure one. If you get the shotgun/crossbow and have success there may be a contract here for you:w00t: