Hot girl on bike

Sigh. . . how lovely. . . :slight_smile:

such a sexy bike

Guess that was the cooling fan(ny) that cut in when she stood up on the rests:):hehe:

If only all of us girls cud look like that lol

what no comment about her lack of protective clothing…??

wow LB may really have changed :stuck_out_tongue:

she had airbags under her shirt…pay attention :D:D

i thought that was the new ladies summer dianese easy access one piece leather! no!?

man I just wanna put her on a stick and lick her:D

How many dead insects did she catch with her cleavage?

The pity is, one day they will come off and all that hotness will be ruined by a little thing called death.

That or extensive skin grafts.

Plus I subscribe to the “Any girl looks hotter lying in my bed” school of thought.

EDIT: Bet she’s got a pig face under that helmet.

Err, people in glass houses eh fella?!? :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: :smiley:

Hardly. I can just offer a reasonable ‘pig face’ comparison with 16 years experience. :stuck_out_tongue:

You know what… she did come off:D and here is the photo of that:



Doesn’t look like a high speed off, lucky considering she had no protection.

Wow…She looks even better…I love a filthy girl :smiley:


I’m glad it wasn’t just me who thought that! lol :wink:

Damn love the filthy one. but the bike OMG that has to be cleaned and waxed. No one likes a broken dirty bike. :w00t:

Id love to slam one right up her “DIRT” box.

Hahahaha :stuck_out_tongue:

Who said romance was dead. . .It’s not dead, it’s f*cking extinct. . . :stuck_out_tongue: