Hilarious -- Cross-London Moped Race Video!


Great video eh? Has me in stiches. I can imagine this is how Cezar (doesn’t) ride to work on his scooter every day! The other Fast Bikes films are brilliant as well, I have a few on tape somewhere with good old Shakey Byrne doing wheelies across the French borders and crashing in a tunnel, heh.

I could have sworn that there was a pizza box on the back of one of them

ha ha ha thats priceless. Never again will I stand for people whinging about scooters being for women or whatever.

haha wicked!

nice one

Great fun, reminds me of my moped riding days many years ago. TBH those days were hilarious but thank God there was less traffic on the road then as i used to fall off too much through my own mistakes.

God i miss England…

That was fucking hilarious…great post…

Anyone got any of those dvds?

There are 4 i think
