All dressed ready to go to work this morning at 7, got the bike out of the garage, started her up and realised my headlight wasn’t working.Didn’t have time to sort it out there and then so off I went in the car instead.
Had a look when I got home tonight noticed that the other headlight comes on when I use the ‘pass’ switch but not when I use the high beam switch. Checked the fuse, it’s fine, checked the bulbs and one had blown so I replaced the bad one and tried again. This time, when I press the ‘pass’, both lights work, but again nothing when its just running and nothing when I flick the main beam switch.
Does anyone have any idea what it could be?
I have recently fitted a new fairing but it all worked fine yesterday and I have checked all of the obvious connectors
Not a Suzuki by chance is it? Just had this issue on my 06 1200 Bandit… had to replace the kill switch wiring harness… looked good, tested good but headlight refused to work… changed the harness and all is bright lights big city now.
If you have a wiring diagram, remove the switch and short out the appropriate connectors to see whether the lights operate as intended. If they do, you have nackered switch which might be cleanable with appropriate solvents or lubricants but may just need replacing.
As with all electrical problems of this type you may get a result by blindly pushing at connectors etc but its not really the way,get a cheap multimeter and preferably with the aid of a wiring diagram ensure you have voltage to the main beam switch,then off the switch,through any connectors etc or you can work back from the bulb or a bit of both.
If you find a cable has gone open circuit in an inacessable part of the loom or a single connector inside a multi is the problem you allways have the option of by-passing it completely with a new single cable .
the inside of my headlight looks like a small explosion has taken place but works perfectly cos all the damaged stuff has been bypassed.
Just dont go twisting wires together and wrapping them in tape i bought some decent water proof connectors a while back tho i think they’re all used up now.