basically i ve lost both keys to my honda hornet 600 and im kind of lost as to what my options are if anyone can help me please do so any input would be appreciated!!


need to contact your local Honda, they can supply you with replacements, I believe all you have to do is give them some code off the bike, I may be wrong, but give them a try first.

Both?! Did your house get burgled? Do you have the key number written down? Expensive whatever route you take. Bad luck.

Option 1:

Get yourself down to Honda Chiswick or going to the Honda the bike came from might be better, you will need to take proof of ownership and all that. They will tell you all about “you should never lose the master key, its a crime” and all that nonsense! Hopefully they will try and issue you with another master key and spare although like Jay siad its quite expensive!

They really don’t like issuing master keys back out though!

Option 2:

Get a new CDI unit with keys! expensive too! lol


If someone has your keys and knows your bike, they might nick it, i would payout and get a new barrel and keys fitted. Then you don`t have to worry about someone else haveing your keys.

What year is your Hornet, does it have HISS?

well i know where the keys went they actually went down the loo (thanks to my lil nephew the lil ****) and no it doesnt have hiss its an 02 plater what do i need to get a new key cut and roughly how much will that cost?

Hello mate,

I had the same problem once with a Gold Bracelet and a Karzi !!.

Before you go Nutz ordering Keys and all sorts try this.


Try Hooking around the U-Bend (Wire Coat Hanger) as the weight of the Keys will normally lodge them there for a while and if that dont work then locate the Live Pipe Sloosh Manhole Cover, that will be located right by a Drain very close to the House or at the foot of a Block of Flats. At this point the Live Sloosh will be at an almost even level and relys on constant “Flushing Through” to clear, this is where they will be if they are still in the system.

Open the Manhole Cover and if you dont see them put something in the Gully you will see to block anything coming through, then fill the bath and when full…get someone to pull the Plug and Flush the Toilet at the same time, This will create enough force for the keys to be flushed through if they are still in the building and you will be able to trap them before they go through to the main removal sewer.

Good Luck.

Edit…Now looking at the Time and Date of your post…

Get a Rowing Boat, Some Goggles, Snorkel and Flippers as they are now somewhere just off the Southend Coast !!.