1999 fazer 600. been stood for 4 years, I’ve been told that I need to pour a little paraffin in the spark holes, leave it a day then tap a socket on the crank bolt.
my local bike shop say they’ve known engine’s be ok that have stood for longer. if the engine’s seized then it’s only fit for the bin and I should try WD40 in there left for 20 mins, then try the starter.
what do you guys think? tracking down a little bit of paraffin is proving tough.
I wouldnt worry too much. To be honest I’d be tempted to use engine oil. literally half a tea spoon or less. It will burn off with the first few ignitions anyway. It’s purely to prevent the pistons scratching the barrel if the rings have become oxidised/sezied. Or a good helping of WD-40 over night.
I had a seized RS-125 once which had stood for a year. small helping of petrol/2stroke pored down the barrel got it moving :D:D:D it also filled the street with blue smoke :D:D:D:D
A drop o engine oil down the bores and a few drops on the cams would be a good idea (lack of lub’ for four years and gravity taking away any that was left.)
its near impossible to get all the oil out of a motor once its been run.
iv just started a GSXR 750 motor that hasnt run for 3 years, even though the oil had been drained and it had no genny or clutch cover on it it still had oil running out of it.
turned over a few times by hand with oil in it and it started within 3 seconds and runs fine.