Does anybody know anyone that transports bikes ? or the name of a reputable firm that does it ?

It would be London - Devon, so not a small journey…

Ta Weaver, however Keti didnt seem to have much luck…

I will keep looking…

Tricksie, I got this from a guy on another forum who has apparently used the company:

I only the info this morning so have not had a chance to contact them yet, but may be worth a go.


I used a company called Headstocks Transport to get my first bike from Leicester down to London. The cost for that including insurance wasn’t cheap (£145), but it was fully insured and they were very very helpful and flexible.

Their website is

Transport for your transport? Why not ride?

How many bikes?

From where to where?


One Bike … 125cc so only an ickle bike…

Near Heathrow to near Lynton/Lynmouth area and return

Going down end of august, coming back about 7-10 days later…depending on the weather as we are camping, other half will ride his bike down, i just want the best of both worlds ie Bike and Car… and i dont have a tow bar…

Shame I could have lent you a trailer.

Right, I got my quote. The good guys at Impatient Parcels are moving my bike + all my wordly belonging to Manchester for £300+VAT. Considering Pickfords wanted £800 just for a few boxes, I’m pretty chuffed

Not chuffed to be moving, though
