Hello - Potential Lifesavers!

Hi all, my name’s Andy and I have been chosen to go on the fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square as part on the one and other project from Anthony Gormley, info here: http://www.oneandother.co.uk/participants/Andy_Grannell

I have decided to go up there as Judge Dredd and 2000AD have kindly lent me the helmet and the outfit and given me loads of free stuff to give away as well. And that’s where the catch comes into it. I am quite a big guy, 6ft 5 and 44 waist 33 long leg. And I gotta feelin that I ain;t gonna go anywhere near this outfit! Consequently I have borrowed a bike jacket from my mate and can attach all of the things onto it if needs be, but I will be short of a pair of black leather trousers of that size.

They might never be worn as I am picking up the Dredd outfit from Oxford on my way down from the Wirral tomorrow but if I am stuck I was wondering if any of you guys might be able to help me out. The event is being covered by SKY tv as well as a massive movement on 2000adonline. I know it’s a mad request but you genuinely could save my life (ish).

Thanks for your time guys.


welcome to londonbikers - hope to meet you at one of our meets or newbie night


Sorry, i can’t think of anyone that could help you, I’m only a shortie :wink: