Happy Birthday Tatooist750

Happy Birthday Stacey, have a lovely day :):slight_smile:

Happy Birthday Fella :slight_smile:

Have a brilliant day :wink:

Happy birthday luvvie, hope Lee got you loadsa luvverly pressies:D big hug from me:)

Happy birthday hun - a great day for birthdays! :wink: x


Happy Birthday Stace, hope you’re having a great day! :smiley:

Have a good one Stace! :slight_smile:

Well I can’t let your birthday pass by without posting up one of your favourite songs!!

Have a fab birthday :smiley:

All the best people have their birthday’s today apparently!

Happy birthday hun, have a great day. When are the celebratory drinks? x

Happy birthday Stace.

Have a great one


Thanks everyone :smiley:

Had the pleasure of spending it at work today and its been really busy :smiley:

Drinks are tommorow night, along side Westie. Posted in the going out section :smiley:

MHR, hope you had a good day x

Happy Birthday hinny.

Hope you had a reasonable day today considering you were working…and have a top night out tomoz! :smiley:

Happy birthday xx

Happy Birthday :smiley:

Belated Happy Birthday Stace.

Glad you had a good day, enjoy yourself tonight x:cool: