Grid Girls

you gotta love it!

“run it till it dies”

What lovely pillows.

i recon its gotta be 2.4BAR…

Lower for track use surely?

maybe 2.0 … not sure we gotta have a feel :smiley:

There’s a great video on that there you tube of the totty from Jerez.

Spanish gurls are super hot.*

*OK I have a vested interest so I’m biased

You mean this one Pete? :smiley:

Ker-ching! :slight_smile:

marks out of ten…id give em all one!

i was seeing one at the beginning of the year, forget who she works for, but corking body!!


+1 :wink:

They are rather delicious :smiley:

Now you’re just showing off! :smiley:

Yeah he sure is a good looking bloke that Rossi I see what you mean :ermm: :w00t:

lol, sadly its not all about how they look- life would be much more simply if it was!


surely you gotta love a little bit of complication :wink: not too much - just enough to get you distracted, plus the great body too :slight_smile: liberal is the way to go…

(Im talking grid GUYS too btw :P)