Got my bike up and running again, just about!

Still waiting for my new chain, new light and new indicators to turn up, but for now I have nicked by dad’s handlebars, I have new bulbs in the smashed lights and I have taped up my indicators, gonna have to see if I can sort out the lack of lighting around my clocks tomorrow. Hopefully there won’t be too many police around Wednesday night tho, on the way to BMM, or I could possibly get pulled.

I’m not gonna put it in the praise or shame site as I don’t think it’s fair, as it was down to one individual and not a company, but went to Bill Bunns, South Ealing today for the first time, to get a new oil filter and some bulbs, and was throughly p!ssed off at the guy who served me. I may not know that much about bikes, but I’m new to it and I do try. Did my first ever oil change on my bike today and I can do practically all the simple jobs, as everyone knows it takes time to learn these things!

But went in today, had the correct details of all the bulbs I needed, told the guy, then as I was paying saw that he had only given me one headlamp bulb, not two and then realised I had forgotten to tell him I didn’t have the standard Bandit headlamp but a dominator twin headlamp, so I would need two of the same bulbs, not just one. He then proceeded to go into a rant about why didn’t I just bring some pictures down of my bike on my phone next time. When I asked him why, he said ‘‘well that’s what all the other women who don’t know what they’re talking about when it comes to bikes do!’’ So one very p!ssed off me left the shop, just to realise when I got home, that they’d given me the wrong indicator bulb, even tho I’d given him the correct measurements!

Sorry for the rant, but had to do it, just didn’t feel it was fair on Bill Bunns to do it in the shame thread, but still very p!ssed off at the patronising way that the guy spoke to me, especially considering that his assistant, the guy actually serving me, didn’t even seem to be able to tell the difference between any of the bulbs in front of him!

But anyways, hopefully my bike will be ridable by tomorrow! :smiley:

he sounds like a right royal a-hole!

got a pr of indicators in the garage if ya want em?

think they were off an aprilia but all indicators have 2 wires, most of the time, lol.

Hi, that’s cool of you, and very true! but I purchased myself some pretty new purple ones of the net last week! To go with my black and purple (and now silver scrapes all down one side) coloured bike! (I’ll have to get that paint out tomorrow!)

God, i’m such a girl! :stuck_out_tongue: Just waiting for all my stuff to arrive, got some new black dominator twins coming too, but for now will have to ride with the smashed ones!

You should have lured the parts bloke from behind his counter and stuck you knee in his parts box:D

What an attitude:angry:

I think some blokes feel threatened by the fairer sex not only riding but getting to understand the man’s world that is getting oil under your fingernails.

Alice did her first oil change last week too… Well done for having a go ladies, thats what I say:)

:smiley: ya be back on road soon woohoo lol

hope it all goes ok :wink:

Well done - as you say it takes time - loads of course around too to help - invaluable for little tips and cheats…

Women? Riding and repairing bikes? Whatever next? :stuck_out_tongue:

think you better start running for the hills, before the girls get ya !!

the bloke sounded a right patronising tw@t and it only takes one to get a company a bad name, well done for having a go sorting ya bike out :slight_smile:

What a ****!! :angry: We have loads of women customers who come in and yes some of them don’t know what they are talking about - but we have loads of blokes who are exactly the same!

rockerchic - if you need anything for the bike come in and see us. You know where we are!! :slight_smile:

Well i often get put right on my mechanical skills by my mate danielle, shes a mechanical whizz!:hehe::w00t:

bloke sounds like a bell endus!:smiley:

What a fu©ker, and to think your paying him for the parts, not like they are free!

Now could be a good time to fighter it???

Yes very off…its like one of those stories where you would like to go back and tell him he still got it wrong…and he is a plonker not…maybe take a friend along as a witness to his embarrassment…preferably a very knowledgeable friend…

hey but at least the bike is out and about again…

Yep, very true. I’ve had it a few times before. It really depends on where you go, sometimes they are complete @rseholes because you’re a woman on a bike and next place you go they’re absolutely brilliant, because you’re a woman on a bike! My old place in Lancaster was great, helped me out with everything and always gave me discounts! :stuck_out_tongue: And that’s before I lived with my Dad, so I really did have to sort my bike out myself!

I’m always in the process of fightering her! I love streetfighter’s, :smiley: but can only do the simple things really, don’t really think i’m in the market for changing her frame or anything yet.

What about a USD front end?

Also, there is this display graphics place in Bromley, they print graphics on adhesive vinyl. Just got some decals made up. Good quality. Makes a little difference for a small cost.

Maybe in time, but I’d rather change the back end first, before I change the front end.

The graphics sound cool tho, have they got a website, do you have a pis of yours and how much are they? Cheers.

PM sent, what rear are you after?

Glad to hear your bike is on the road again and yes, that bloke sounds like a right twat, when I go and buy stuff for my bike they always assume that it’s for my boyfriends bike and not mine, men :rolleyes:

One of my ex’s planted her knee in a car salesman’s groin for ignoring her and insisting he talks to me about her car purchase. I was for the 6th or 7th time explaining that it’s her car, she’s buying it not me when I see her move infront of me and the salesman lets out a terrible sound like a cross between a shout and a groan and she goes marching out . . . I had visions of having to explain to plod why she’s assulted him but his colleages were laughing so much he didn’t report her. I thought people like him had died off years ago :w00t:

Like on my scooter?:smiley: