Got my bike sprayed this weekend.

Needed a new paint job for a while. We’ve had the stuff for ages but not had the time to do it, finally got around to doing it this week. Took four days but it was worth every minute. Not that I did that much ;), thanks to George for doing it! :kiss:


Bet you are chuffed - suits you :cool:

Looks great :cool:

very cool :smiley:

looks good :cool:

Now you need lid to match.:slight_smile:

looks like george is gonna be kept busy lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah very happy. It’s not exactly everyone’s cup of tea, but it definitely suits me, it should do, it took me long enough to make the decision about what to have and where to put it. Poor old George! :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol, I was already bugging him about that before he started the bike, I have my spare lid all lined up, ready and waiting! I think four days stuck in my porch was enough for him tho, he couldn’t get home quick enough! :hehe:

Nice work, def stand out at the Ace now.

:cool:Nice work:)

Are the squiggly bits painted on or transfers?

Looks cool:cool:

Thanks for comments guys, the “TRIBAL” :wink: and everything else is all airbrushed :slight_smile:

so when you doing mine i got 3 to pick from and a 4th bike on the way;)

After I recover from this one lol :smiley:

I guessed they were, just wanted to check;)Nice squiggles:P:D

lool you gotta do the lid yet:P

nice work there georgey boy, will deffo spot that down the Ace now :slight_smile:

wanna do a 'bird ?


And they sprayed my workbench and part of the wall behind free of charge :wink:

That looks wicked. Thinking about a paint job on mine…

How much did it cost and who / where did you get it done ?

